(nReadBytes > 0) nTotalSize += nReadBytes; //} while (infile.good()); //2、一次性读取所有,read会阻塞,直到所有的都读取完或出现错误才返回 infile.read((char*)(pFileBytes + nTotalSize), nFileSize); int nReadBytes = infile.gcount(); if (nReadBytes > 0) nTotalSize += nReadBytes...
charbuffer[1024];// 接收数据的缓冲区 ssize_tbytesRead; // 循环接收数据,直到接收完毕或出错 while((bytesRead=read(0,buffer,sizeof(buffer)))>0){ file.write(buffer,bytesRead);// 将接收到的数据写入文件 } if(bytesRead==-1){ std::cerr<<"读取输入时出错"<<std::endl; return1; } file.c...
{ std::vector<char> data;CONST int STREAM_BUFFER = 15000; // read the file std::vector 浏览2提问于2018-01-16得票数 0 6回答 C++ int到string,串联字符串 、、 在我看来,首先必须将int转换为字符串(或char数组),然后将这个新字符串与文件名的其余部分连接起来。//int to include in file...
fin.read(&ch, sizeof(char)); if(ch != 'n' && ch != '') stringoutput += ch; if(ch == 'n' || ch == '') { if(!stringinput.compare(stringoutput)) { found = true; break; } stringoutput.erase(); } } if(found)
This throws IOException "Cant read input file&q...SP.Utilities.Utility.SendEmail access denied I am using CSOM("SP.Utilities.Utility.SendEmail") to send email to the members of my site collection. I got no problem using it, I wass able to send and receive the email I am sending but ...
read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&d), sizeof d); int n; std::string s; istrm >> n >> s; std::cout << " read back: " << d << " " << n << " " << s << '\n'; } 输出: read back: 3.14 123 abcC语言 | C++中文网 ...
read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&d), sizeof d); int n; std::string s; istrm >> n >> s; std::cout << " read back: " << d << " " << n << " " << s << '\n'; } Output: read back: 3.14 123 abc
is OutputFile an ofstream if so it does not have a member seekg() as you cannot read from it. Do you mean to use seekp() or should OutputFile be read/write? OutputFile was declared as ofstream indeed, and I have to write into it. I tried to change it to fstream, which...