__cpp_initializer_lists200806L(C++11)列表初始化与std::initializer_list 示例 运行此代码 #include <cassert>#include <initializer_list>#include <iostream>#include <vector>template<classT>structS{std::vector<T>v;S(std::initializer_list<T>l):v(l){std::cout<<"以包含 "<<l.size()<<" 个...
cppreference.com 创建账户 页面 讨论 变换 查看 编辑 历史 std::initializer_list<T>::beginC++ 工具库 std::initializer_list const T* begin() const noexcept; (C++11 起) (C++14 起为 constexpr) 获得指向初始化式列表首元素的指针。 若初始化式列表为空,则 begin() 与end() 的值是未指定的,...
From cppreference.com <cpp |utility |initializer list Compiler support Freestanding and hosted Language Standard library Standard library headers Named requirements Feature test macros(C++20) Language support library Concepts library(C++20)
cppreference.com Create account Page Discussion Standard revision:DiffC++98/03C++11C++14C++17C++20C++23C++26 View Edit History C++ Utilities library std::initializer_list constT*begin()constnoexcept; (since C++11) (until C++14) constexprconstT*begin()constnoexcept; ...
这个是 cppreference.com 的描述: The underlying array is a temporary array of typeconst T[N] 明确地说是普通的array。 这个是 N3337 的描述: An object of typeinitializer_list<E>provides access to an array of objects of typeconst E.
See https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/header/initializer_list > instead of creating a temporary and then using the assignment operator it could just use the constructor to initialize the array object. Construction is for new objects. If it were to do as you suggest, then it could change ...
官方文档:https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/11 小故事: 1998年是C++标准委员会成立的第一年,本来计划以后每5年视实际需要更新一次标准,C++国际标准委员会在研究C++ 03的下一个版本的时候,一开始计划是2007年发布,所以最初这个标准叫C++ 07。但是到06年的时候,官方觉得2007年肯定完不成C++ 07,而且官方觉得200...
我的方法是在容器类的元素类型没有名为pointer的类型的情况下使用SFINAE禁用该构造函数,根据我对cppreference中列出的示例的理解,这应该是一个有效的SFINAE失败案例,并且没有编译错误 代码语言:javascript 复制 #include<vector>#include<memory>template<typenameT>struct MyVector{/** General initializer list ...
we can use non-member functions likestd::empty, use it in a range-based for loop, and check itssize(). Please notice that there’s no need to passconst initializer_list<int>&(aconstreference) as the initializer list is a lightweight object, so passing by value doesn’t copy the refe...
I found the following when trying Rachel Mant’s Substrate constexpr array template helper. example.cpp (26): error C2672: 'make_array': no matching overloaded function found (19): note: could be 'std::array<_Ty,_Size> make_array(T (&&)[N])' (26): note: 'std::array...