在C++中,std::getline(stream, string)函数用于从输入流中读取一行字符串,并将其存储到指定的字符串变量中。该函数的参数包括一个输入流对象stream和一个字符串变量string。 具体解释如下: 输入流对象stream:表示从哪个输入流中读取字符串。输入流可以是标准输入流std::cin,也可以是文件流std:...
std::ifstreaminfile("input.txt");// Temporary bufferstd::string temp;// Get the input from the input file until EOFwhile(std::getline(infile,temp)){// Add to the list of output stringsoutputs.push_back(temp);} Copy The complete code is shown below: #include<iostream>#include<string>#...
//Populate vectors#include "Header.h"boolpopulateVectors( stVector &c, stVector &m ) {//Create an ifstream.std::ifstream iFile; iFile.open("ttmc.dat", std::ios::binary );//Create a std::string to hold file datastd::string input;if( iFile.is_open() ) {//Ignore the first line ...
second); freeHandle(handle_C); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } pair<MKL_INT,MKL_INT> readFile(string txtPath, MKL_INT** rowIndex, MKL_INT** columns, double** values, char isWeight) { srand(time(NULL)); string theElement = "Halo"; MKL_INT rowSize, colSize, nonzeroTotal;...
ifstream myfile("test/test.txt"); while (getline(myfile, line)) { stringstream sline(line); while (getline(sline, line2, '|')) cout << line2 << endl; } return 0; } No matching function to call for "getline", As for your error, your call to std::getline is broken bec...
(); // tellg() returns std::ifstream::pos_type std::cerr << "size of saveFile: " << size; saveFile.close(); waitForEnter(); return 0; } void waitForEnter() { std::cout << "\nPress ENTER to continue...\n"; std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(),...
Extracts characters from stream until end of line or the specified delimiter delim. The first overload is equivalent to getline(s, count, widen('\n')). Behaves as UnformattedInputFunction. After constructing and checking the sentry object, extracts characters from *this and stores them in ...
ifstream infile(file2, ios::in); while (getline(infile, s)) cout << s << endl; infile.close(); } void search1(const char* fnd_file,const char*str) { string s; ifstream infile(fnd_file, ios::in); int linenum = 0; ...
[root@iZf8zhsbt6gz03s8mn3ey4Z week9]# cat test1.cpp #include<fstream> #include<string> using namespace std; int main() { ifstream input("testtext.txt"); ofstream output("copy.txt"); string s; while (getline(input,s))