GMT 是一个 时区,也指一种 时制。很久以前,科学家通过天文观察,将一个太阳日定义为 86400 秒,以...
std::chrono::time_point Defined in header<chrono> template< classClock, classDuration=typenameClock::duration >classtime_point; (since C++11) Class templatestd::chrono::time_pointrepresents a point in time. It is implemented as if it stores a value of typeDurationindicating the time interval ...
template< class Clock, class Duration1, class Duration2 > struct common_type<std::chrono::time_point<Clock, Duration1>, std::chrono::time_point<Clock, Duration2>>; (C++11 起) 暴露名为 type 的类型,它是两个 std::chrono::time_point 的公共类型。
#include <string>#include <locale>#include <codecvt>// convert string to wstringinline std::...