这里继续介绍静态库,代码如下: CMakeLists.txt: cmake_minimum_required(VERSION3.15)project(hello_world_prj)set(STATIC_LIB_SOURCESsrc/Hello.cpp)set(EXE_SOURCESsrc/main.cpp)add_library(hello_world_static_librarySTATIC${STATIC_LIB_SOURCES})target_include_directories(hello_world_static_libraryPUBLIC${PROJ...
{PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/include ) target_link_libraries( hello_world_exe_static_link PRIVATE hello_world_static_library ) add_executable( hello_world_exe_shared_link ${EXE_SOURCES} ) target_compile_definitions( hello_world_exe_shared_link PRIVATE USE_DLL ) target_link_libraries( hello_world_exe...
编写工程主文件 CMakeLists.txt project(NEWHELLO)add_subdirectory(src) 编写src/CMakeLists.txt add_executable(main main.c)target_include_directories(main PUBLIC /usr/include/hello)target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE hello) 也可以写成 target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE libhello.so) 这里的 hello 指的...
Ask Question Asked 8 years, 7 months ago Modified 8 years, 7 months ago Viewed 2k times 3 How can someone ensure whether source code of some c library (.a) uses global variables or not? Is there any tool which can parse such details? c static-libraries Share Improve this questi...
The next type of library we will create is a static library (LIB). Using static libraries is a great way to reuse code. Rather than re-implementing the same routines in every program that you create, you write them one time and reference them from applications that need the functionality....
1 Linking static c++ library into c library 17 Can I build a shared library by linking static libraries? 2 Link static library in another static library 2 Is it possible to include statically linked libraries in other libraries in C/C++? 6 Self-contained shared library 1 can we link...
/usr/bin/c++CMakeFiles/hello_binary.dir/src/main.cpp.o-ohello_binary-rdynamiclibhello_library.a 1. 官方英文文档关于这三个范围的理解: https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.0/command/target_include_directories.html 对于target_link_libraries( hello_binary PRIVATE hello_library )这个命...
Cmake Practice 总结 Static And Dynamic Libraries 本节的任务: 建立一个静态库和动态库,提供 HelloFunc 函数供其他程序编程使用,HelloFunc 向终端输出 Hello World 字符串。 安装头文件与共享库。 准备工作: 在/home/xiao/cmake_practice 目录建立 t3 目录,用于存放本节涉及到的工程。
RAD Studio Static Runtime Libraries中cc3260mt的作用是什么? 去掉cc3260mt依赖后,如何确保C++Builder项目的正常运行? Listed below is each of the C++Builder static library names and its use. Directory of BCB\LIB (LIB files) File name Use
这个错误的原因是不能识别std,即没有链接'libstdc++'的库,在cmake中有链接-static-libstdc++,而且交叉工具链中是有libstdc++.a库,当我们将cmake改为: 代码语言:txt 复制 add_executable(${target} ${src_sample}) target_link_libraries(${target} -lstdc++) ...