I have the honour to transmit herewith a statement setting forth the position of the Dominican Republic with regard to the grave situation in the Gaza Strip (see annex). daccess-ods.un.org 谨随函转递关于多米尼加共和国对加沙领土严重局势立场的公报(见附件), 同时请将其作为关于加沙地带局势的大会...
requirements of IAS 39, in preparingthestatement offinancial position at31December2012, the quoted market price used for [...] htisec.com htisec.com 如財務報表附註 2.4 所述,為與 IAS 39 的規定保持一致,於編製二零一二年十二月三十一日 的財務狀況表時,子基金所持財務資產以收市買入價作為市場報價,...
After hiking up the strenuous trail of Popolopen Torne, you come to a breathtaking site of a military memorial. Thousands of rocks make up a memorial to honor those who lost their lives serving for their country. Painted rocks, flags and headstones can be seen around the pile. To Our Fall...
The D STATEMENT OF AMICI Amici are a group of organizations with widely varying agendas and values that come together in this brief to support a single prop:STATEMENT OF AMICI Amici are a group of organizations with widely varying agendas and values that