命令无法识别或无法执行? 外部命令统一存放于“D:\stata15\ado\plus”文件夹中,正确设定 Stata 的文件路径就不会出现命令无法识别的问题。 连老师自己编写的命令统一存放于 “D:\stata15\ado\personal\PX_A_2019a\adofiles”文件夹中,要使这些命令正确执行,需要使用adopath +命令将上述路径加入 stata15 ...
S458758 REG_SS: Stata module to compute confidence intervals, standard errors, and p-values in a linear regression in which the regressor of interest has a shift-share structure by Rodrigo Adão & Michal Kolesár & Eduardo Morales & Xiang Zhang S458757 SGPV: Stata module to calculate Secon...
local regtype "areg" if `num_fes' > 1 { local regtype "reghdfe" cap which reghdfe if _rc>0 { di as error "Error: You specified more than 1 fixed effect in absorb(), but don't have reghdfe installed." di as error "Please install the reghdfe package from SSC or ...
nbinreg los hmo died white age80 type2 type3, nolog irr robust clust(provnum) Negative Binomial Estimates Log Likelihood = -4780.8947983 Number of obs Model chi2(6) Prob > chi2 Pseudo R2 = 1495 = 151.20 = 0.0000 = 0.0156 28 Stata Technical Bulletin STB-45 (standard errors adjusted for...
Some commands have a version option for displaying the package version; e.g., ivreg2 (C. F. Baum, M. E. Schaffer, and S. Stillman, 2003, 2007, Stata Journal), reghdfe (Sergio Correia, 2014, SSC, prior to version 6), and xtdcce2 (Jan Ditzen, 2018, 2021, Stata Journal). The...
("`method'"=="fe"){ tempvar FE1 FE2 yearFE unitFE counterfactual if("`force'"=="two-way"){ qui reghdfe `norm_y' `cov' if `treat'==0 & `touse'==1,absorb (`FE1'=`newid' `FE2'=`newtime') /// dof(none) } if("`force'"=="unit"){ qui reghdfe `norm_y' `cov' ...
S458865 REG2LOGIT: Stata module to approximate logistic regression parameters using OLS linear regression byPaul T. von Hippel & Richard Williams & Paul Allison S458864 YALESCHEME: Stata module providing a modern Stata scheme for Yale University-branded data visualizations ...