stata 软件制作拉贝图输入命令后显示 option null not allowed 怎么办? 鹑尾 庸人一枚,耳目之得易满,口腹之欲难平。 选项违规,建议help一下 阅读全文 赞同添加评论 分享 收藏喜欢 stata 软件制作拉贝图输入命令后显示 option null not allowed 怎么办?
Stata求助 输入命令后提示option ftt not allowed? 僵尸二少 西北农林科技大学 农林经济管理博士在读 应该是因为你用的命令不支持ftt这个参数,删掉看看能不能跑出结果。如果这个命令本身支持参数,那就得检查下你的命令版本是不是最新的。 赞同 1添加评论 ...
您好,我想问一下我要求tobit回归后的残差项,wo输入命令后出现option residual not allowed r(198)这个要怎么处理吖 赞 回复 Black (Something for nothing) 楼主 2022-04-14 20:20:58 您好,我想问一下我要求tobit回归后的残差项,wo输入命令后出现option residual not allowed ... 好好。 截图看看 赞...
semis assuming thatPriceis a latent variable; if that was the case, the model wouldn't be identified. We need to add the optionnocapslatent, sosemwill treat all variables as observed by default. When thenocapslatentoption is present, thelatent()option can be used to tell Stata which variab...
请看看Stata对encode的说明:encode creates a new variable named newvar based on the string variable varname, creating, adding to, or just using (as necessary) the value label newvar or, if specified, name. Do not use encode if varname contains numbers that merely happen to be stored as ...
If you suspect this kind of collinearity, Take the variable that was dropped—let’s call it var2—and estimate a fixed-effects regression on all the other independent variables using xtreg with the fe option: . xtset group . xtreg var2 ..., fe If you obtain an R-sq within of ...
Optionpooledpools the source variables and computes summary stats as if it was a single variable. pweightsare allowed. Largest and smallest observations are weighted. rolling:,statsby:, andby:are not allowed. To usebypass the optionby() ...
macro contains nothing when program is not being by’d; contains names of the actual by-variables otherwise. macro contains “ ” if the option is specified; contains nothing otherwise. So let’s consider the problems one at a time, beginning with the second problem. Your program does ...
() o computation of influence functions returned error if all terms were excluded due to collinearity; this is fixed o fitting was repeated with each request for results if data had 0 columns; this is fixed 27jan2022 (2.0.0) - mm_version() added 14jan2022 - added optional argument -wd...