estimates table _all, stats(sd2) keep(lns1_1_1:_cons) b(%8.3f) eform Variable _cons sd2 fixsd1 0.288 0.010 fixsd2 0.255 0.180 fixsd3 0.000 0.600 New meta-analysis features in Stata 18 Introduction Meta-analysis for prevalence Multilevel meta-analysis Conclusion Predictions of random ...
Stata在图表构建方面的最大优点是(除了图表质量),可以自由操控图表元素甚至通过自定义完成图表的叠加 ...
2. 模型设定 基于Wang & Ho(2010)模型的转置,Orea & Álvarez(2019)提出了空间随机前沿模型,该模型考虑了空间相关的无效率项和扰动项。该模型的公式如式(1)-(3)所示,其中 i=1,…,N;t=1,…,Ti=1,…,N;t=1,…,T: Yit=Xit′β+v~it−su~it(1)Yit=Xit′β+v~it−su~...
x6 .08799332 .08799332 3.358e-15 3.817e-14 .08799346 1.363e-07 1.549e-06 Difference Relative difference z: _cons .07570675 .07570675 1.962e-14 2.592e-13 .07570423 -2.516e-06 -.00003323 Difference Relative difference lnsig2u: _cons -.03299164 -.03299164 7.268e-14 -2.203e-12 -.03298184 ...
I am working at a Data centre where I do not have access to internet. So I had to email them the asdoc ado file. But it’s giving the error message “3499 delete_closing_lines() not found” But asdoc worked fine on my mac even yesterday morning. Should I also update asdoc on ...
无穷多平稳分布:转移矩阵为\[ \begin{bmatrix} 1/3 & 2/3 & 0 \\ 1/3 & 2/3 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix} \] 令\(P^{(n)} = \pi_{t} P^n\),如果\(P^{(n)}_{ij}>0\),称\(j\)从\(i\)可达(accessible)。