在编写程序时,我们可以使用syntax命令解析命令行,当输入的内容和指定的语法不同时,syntax还会报错。 标准的syntax命令语法结构如下 (href="https://www.stata.com/manuals/psyntax.pdf">[P] syntax ): syntax [varlist | namelist | anything] /// [if] [in] [using filename] [= exp] /// [weight] ...
这种循环的有点是foreach varname in list-of-variables命令中Stata会检查列表中的每个名称是否确实是现有的变量,并且可以缩写或使用扩展名称。 如果你需要对新生成变量进行循环,使用命令foreach varname of newlist list-of-new-variables。关键字newlist替换原有的varlist,告诉Stata检查列表中此前不存在的变量名称。
syntax [anything(everything)], Direction(string asis) [set(string asis) RETRanslate /// TRansoption(string asis) Filetype(string asis)] /* Direction: Direction of the folder containing ".dta" files needing translation. set: Set an encoding type. Please type "unicode encoding list" for detail...
foreach year of numlist 1980 1985 1995 { display "`year'" } 你可以做一些比打印年份名更有趣的事情,比如将numlist指定为1 2 3或1/5((意思是1 2 3 4 5)),或是1(2)7(从1到7以2为步长计数以得到1 3 5 7); 更多信息help numlist。
doesnotworkproperly.Itshouldrequirethatanifexpbespecifiedbut,inallcases,theparsereports“invalidsyntax” andreturns198.Theprogramdoesworkif‘localifopt’issubstitutedfor‘localifreq’,butinthatcase,ofcourse, theprogramnolongerrequiresthattheifexpbespecified.Thebugislocatedinsidetheparsecommandandcannotbe ...
My syntax which comes from Stata 9 is the following: forvalues svy = 1/`max1' { use "'allsvys'", clear keep if i==`svy' } and I get the following error : invalid syntax r(198); Subsequently, i would also like to run the following syntax (shortened for convenience) foreach x ...
New commandlevelsofdisplays a sorted list of the distinct values of a variable. This is especially useful for looping over the values of a variable with, say,foreach. See[P] levelsof. Plugins (also known as DLLs or shared objects) written in C can now be incorporated into Stata to create...
s = [[1,2]] result = s for i in range(2): s.append(list(map(int,input().split(...
foreach是一个关键字,item是自己选择的本地宏名称,in是另一个关键字,紧跟着是空格分隔的单词。试试这个例子 foreach animal in cats and dogs { display "`animal'" } 由于本地宏animal被设置为列表中的每个单词,因此该循环将输出“猫”,“和”和**“狗” **。Stata不知道“和”不是一种动物,但即使这样...