Starsiege: Tribes 银河征战录:部落的视频,攻略,评测,图片,评分,讨论, 帮助你判断是否好玩,发现更多相似好游戏及爱玩这些游戏的人
"Run, jump and fly across massive boundless battlefields as you compete against fellow warriors" is the official catchcry from this game and it could not describe it better. Starsiege: Tribes puts the player in huge open environments wielding a fine...
Starsiege: Tribes is an extremely ambitious game. It's one of the first games ever to be commercially released as a completely on-line game with no single player aspect whatsoever. And it is good. Really, really good. When you start up Tribes and set up your player identity, you are ta...
《Starsiege Tribes》武器介绍 ARMOR 盔甲类: Light Armor 轻型盔甲 武器搭载:可以搭载3件枪械,除了Mortar(迫击炮)外其余都可以选用。 背包搭载:全部可以选用。 机动设备搭载:除了临时武器提供站、弹药提供站和防御炮台外都可以选用。 优点:移动速度最快,配合Energy Pack (能源加强背包)可以飞行一段很远的距离,是夺旗...
I looked into a few other Dynamix games ( Hunter Hunted, EarthSiege 1-2, CyberStorm 1-2, StarSiege ) for inspiration. Tribes Ascend has no story that I know of, but I imagine it being set before Tribes 1 (like Vengeance), as there are more weapons and structure to the armour. By ...
暂无评分- . -会员评分8.4 Starsiege: Tribes 是一款以 Metaltech 宇宙为背景的第一人称射击游戏,它让不同的交战部落相互对抗。 类型:射击,策略 视角:第一人称视角 版本:发行版本 游戏本体 模式:单人,多人 主题:动作,科幻 ※ 游戏本体和游戏图像的版权归游戏制作方所属...
"Run, jump and fly across massive boundless battlefields as you compete against fellow warriors" is the official catchcry from this game and it could not describe it better. Starsiege: Tribes puts the player in huge open environments wielding a fine arsonal of weapons - delivering end action pa...
PC Starsiege: Tribes is an ambitious game that successfully delivers a rich and addictive multiplayer gaming experience. Developed by: Dynamix Published by: Sierra Entertainment Genre(s): 3D Action First-Person Shooter Teen Animated Violence
Read reviews and ratings of Starsiege Tribes from our experts, and see what our community says, too!
LNG_TRIBES_WARNING="If your computer has several sound cards, try plugging your speakers\non each of them because the sound server used isn't the usual one." LNG_TRIBES_INSTALL="Installing Starsiege : Tribes" fi POL_SetupWindow_Init