STAR-CCM+TutorialFiles11.04.010 现在官网页面无法打开,此版本较古老,但不影响使用,有需要的留言。
1 点击Batteries>Program Files,右键加载Tutorial3CDischargeCylindrical.prg文件。2 点击Battery Modules>Battery Module,右键选择Create Circuit Element。3 点击Program Files>Tutorial3CDischargeCylindrical.prg,右键选择Create Circuit Element。4 展开Circuits>Circuit 1>Circuit Elements,同时选中(+) Battery Module和(-...
- worth to bookmark it in your favorite browser). When it comes to tutorials from online version of UG you can download input files in per tutorial basis - no need anymore for downloading >10GB tutorials package:
STAR-CCM+2210_17.06.007帮助案例 STAR-CCM+TutorialFiles以下内容为付费内容,请购买后观看 该付费内容为:STAR-CCM+2210_17.06.007帮助案例 包含1个附件 0人购买 10 立即购买 评论 默认 最新 发表 当前暂无评论,小编等你评论哦!点赞 评论 收藏 焦龙飞 关注...
求助STAR-CCM+TutorialFiles文件 安装后没有找到doc文件夹下的startutorialsdata文件夹。求大神分享,网盘...
【求助】求starccm+10.06版本的Tutorial Files abcxyzer 2016-4-3 14 / 6073 shar 2024-3-9 10:46 [推荐]发点有用的,star-cd从建模到网格到计算的一条龙中文资料 ...23456..11 鲁秦 2005-10-14 158 / 78834 shar 2024-3-9 10:45 网格生成书籍 ...2 笑返 2012-3-29 27 / 18871 shar 202...
STAR-CCM+TutorialFiles 2019.2 也行啊 再加50金币!
When you log in to the SiemensSupport Center,you can access the latest version ofSimcenter STAR-CCM+and a comprehensive collection of tutorial solutions for various applications and industries. These tutorial solutions include the final simulation files and reports that show you how to achi...
Tutorial: Beforebeginningyoumustdownloadthemidres.ccm.ngeomfilefrom putationalfluids.Pleasemakeamentalnoteastowhereyouaresavingto, asyouwillneeditsoon! 1)ClickontheStar-CCM+icon.Amostlyemptyscreenwillappear. 2)GouptoFile/NewSimulationintheupperleftcorner. ...
Tutorial:Before beginning you must download the midres.ccm.ngeom file from . Please make a mental note as to where you are saving to, as you will need it soon!1) Click on the Star-CCM+ icon. A mostly empty screen will appear.2) Go up to File/New ...