Star Wars: Force Commander: Directed by Garry M. Gaber. With Jeff Bennett, David Warner, Raphael Sbarge, Michael Bell. Brenn and Dellis Tantor, brothers, are loyal imperial officers whose father was killed in a Rebel assault on their home-planet. Just be
Star Wars: Force Commander runs well on modern hardware, but to avoid problems with videos stuttering and music getting stuck you should make sure to run the game using only one CPU core. If you used our replacement installer you should start the game using the “Play Star Wars Force Comman...
Star Wars, the well-known science fiction series of movies makes its way to the popular real time strategy format with Star Wars: Force Commander. The game plays much differently than most RTS games and the interface is new. Still, with the game's new features and objectives, it has ...
《原力指挥官》(Force Commander)《原力指挥官》发行于2000年。这款游戏从一个叫布伦·坦托(Brenn Tantor)的人的视角讲述了从帝国在塔图因搜捕R2-D2到新共和国最终解放科洛… 阅读全文 赞同 223 条评论 分享 收藏喜欢 有没有星球大战主题的即时战略游戏,有的话为什么没火起来?
星球大战指挥官国际版(Star Wars Commander)是迪士尼旗下的一款系列电影改编手游,属于类部落冲突的策略类战争手机游戏,体感十分的不错哦,现在依然在更新,不过国服关闭停服了而已,需网络工具! 星球大战指挥官世界服简介 为自己的阵营而战!统治银河系! 银河战争烽火再燃!您要效忠哪一方?您会和反抗军同仇敌忾还是和帝国...
Broida, Rick
The Clone Wars,克隆人战争 The Force Unleashed,原力释放 Shadows of the Empire,帝国阴影 The Truce at Bakura,巴库拉休战 Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor,卢克·天行者与明多的阴影 The Courtship of Princess Leia,向莱娅公主求婚 Tatooine Ghost,塔图因幽灵 ...