Macros can be parameterized using macro variables, which allows you to reuse the macro with different inputs. You can edit the recorded macro script to customize or optimize it further. Chinese Answer: STAR-CCM+宏命令录制流程。 STAR-CCM+宏命令可以让你自动执行重复性任务并简化你的工作流程。以下...
鼠标右键选择模型树节点Libraries,点击弹出菜单项Add Library... 如下图所示,添加配置好的STAR CCM+的java库STARCCM2302 4 编写代码 1、添加成员变量及构造函数 双击创建几何按钮进入代码编辑,如下图所示,添加引用及代码: importstar.common.Simulation; privateSimulation sim =null; publicMacroWindows(Simulation Siml...
starccm 宏录制流程English Answer:How to Record Macros in STAR-CCM+。STAR-CCM+ macros allow you to automate repetitive tasks and streamline your workflow. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to record macros in STAR-CCM+:1. Open the Macro Recorder: Click on "Tools" -> "Macro Tools" ...
Tool for optimization studies. It is shown how to pass command-line parameters to Simcenter STAR-CCM+ macros. Since one of the parameters is a file, that file could be used to pass additional information to the macro.
execute macro without using StarCCM?#1 ns_chrys New Member Nandan Join Date: Jul 2012 Posts: 12 Rep Power: 14 Is there any way to run macros without using "file > macro > play macro" in starccm?The reason I ask is I don't have access to starccm at home. I want to be able...
Ansa划分网格STAR-CCM+加载计算实例 第一部分模型几何清理 1.1几何清理过程 1.1.1 启动Ansa软件 点击开始>所有程序>Beta CAE Systems>ANSA v15.1.1,如下图所示, 图1-1-1-1打开Ansa软件 layouts选择CFD,如下图所示: 图1-1-1-2layouts选择 Ansa打开以后界面如下图所示。
STAR-CCM+hasamacrorecording capability,whichisthebestwayto initiallygetexposuretotheconcept ofusingSTAR-CCM+macros. 1.FileLoadSimulation… 2.Browseto1-Introduction manifoldStart.sim 3.FileMacroStartRecording… 4.Givethemacroanametosaveit: Automation. 13 AFirstMacro RecordingaMacro Noticetheadditio...
Ansa划分网格STAR-CCM+加载计算CFD实例.docx,Ansa划分网格STAR-CCM+加载计算实例 目录 TOC \o 1-5 \h \z 第一部分模型几何清理 3 1.1几何清理过程 3 1.1.1启动Ansa软件 3 \o Current Document 1.1.2导入需要清理的几何模型 4 \o Current Document 1.1.3删除与分析无关的几何
Simcenter STAR-CCM+ is a multiphysics computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software allowing engineers to model the complexity of today's products and predict their performance under real-world conditions. Simcenter STAR-CCM+ enables CFD engineers to explore the possibilities by uniquely integrating high ...
“Simcenter STAR-CCM+ is well adapted to automation for repeating simulation processes, which allows analysts to save significant time, especially when the workload is heavy, so we can achieve high performance.” “The widespread use of macros, batch files processing and specialized products such ...