thermischer KomfortAs the urban heat island is not a homogenous factor the microclimate conditions play an important role also for single buildings and the situation inside. For a better consideration of this aspect in the planning process, qualitative and especially quantitative assessment tools are ...
ADAC Stadtplan Reutlingen, Tübingen 1 作者:Unknown. ISBN:9783826405914 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐
As far as town and landscape become 'machines' they relinquish their urban or rural qualities: localities lose their identity, atmosphere and their capacity to encourage communication. The loss of urban and rural characteristics is felt, however, and leads to a market for surrogate localities ...
That means that the concept of the city as a place of science and innovation has determined the architectural, spatial, and social organization of these sites on the periphery of cities. Certain features of the city have been copied, such as social infrastructures, places of communication, ...
Eurocode zulässigen Berechnungsverfahren (quasi-statische Methode, Antwortspektrenmethode und Zeitverlaufsmethode) f眉r die Ermittlung von Erdbebebeanspruchungen angewendet. Die Ergebnisse der Berechnung werden dargestellt und analysiert. Die Vor- und Nachteile der einzelnen Verfahren werden diskutier...
doi:10.1002/best.200300450No abstract is available for this article.John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Beton‐ Und Stahlbetonbau
Nach einer fast siebenjährigen Bearbeitungszeit ist es in Berlin erstmalig gelungen, rechtsverbindlich ökologische Standardwerte in Form des Biotopflächenfaktors (BFF) 眉ber das Planungsinstrument des Landschaftsplans festzusetzen.Undine GisekeUrsula RenkerGarten + Landschaft...
Therefore the installed capacity of all plants in Hilden has been risen dramatically in the past three years from 10 kWp up to more then 200 at present.%In Verbindung der Fördermaßnahmen des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (NRW) und der zusätzlichen Förderung der Stadtwerke Hilden GmbH ...