© 1903 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg About this chapter Cite this chapter Siebert, D. (1903). Die Stadtverwaltung. In: Bautechnische Regeln und Grundsätze. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-51990-1_4 Download citation .RIS .ENW .BIB DOIhttps://doi....
Mikroklimasimulationphysiologisch äquivalente Temperatur (PETStadtklimastädtischer Freiraumthermischer KomfortAs the urban heat island is not a homogenous factor the microclimate conditions play an important role also for single buildings and the situation inside. For a better consideration of this ...
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As far as town and landscape become 'machines' they relinquish their urban or rural qualities: localities lose their identity, atmosphere and their capacity to encourage communication. The loss of urban and rural characteristics is felt, however, and leads to a market for surrogate localities ...
Nach einer fast siebenjährigen Bearbeitungszeit ist es in Berlin erstmalig gelungen, rechtsverbindlich ökologische Standardwerte in Form des Biotopflächenfaktors (BFF) 眉ber das Planungsinstrument des Landschaftsplans festzusetzen.Undine GisekeUrsula RenkerGarten + Landschaft...