--计算两个地点的球面距离,单位千米selectcity_name,round(st_distance_sphere(point(118.35,24.49),point(lng, lat))/1000,2), update_timeasdistancefromtb_vip_geoorderbyupdate_time--查询与第一个坐标点(118.35, 24.49)相距小于500千米的坐标点selectcity_name,round(st_distance_sphere(point(118.35,24.49)...
MySQL以米为单位计算距离ST_Distance_Sphere(g1, g2 [, radius]) 2020-12-18 11:59 −... Peter.Jones 0 703 Edit Distance 2019-12-21 21:44 −Description Given two words word1 and word2, find the minimum number of steps required to convert word1 to word2. (each operation i... ...
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MySQL以米为单位计算距离ST_Distance_Sphere(g1, g2 [, radius]),mysql官网: