Patrick’s Day competition in 2013 to promote the positive attributes of Irish Beef! The campaign, created by Spinnaker, ran for six weeks and was titled ‘The Biggest St Patrick’s Day Feast ever.’ They asked fans via a Facebook app to choose their favourite menu they would like at ...
You could almost stop right here, but oh, we won't. This place lives for Saint Patrick's Day. Just take a look at their website and you'll see a year-round countdown clock to the next St. Pat's Day. Now that's dedication. Traditional Irish drinks and food (yes, there's shephe...
Priscilla见证了Facebook的创立,也是第一批用户,同时她也在Mark的背后默默支持他。 不过,在Priscilla大学毕业时,Mark曾经邀请Priscilla加入Facebook,但她志不在此,便拒绝了Mark的邀请。 自强独立,清楚自己最想做的事,并为此努力,这也是Priscilla最吸引Mark的地方。 Priscilla毕业后,选择了成为一名教师,任职一年后她回归校...