St. Paul’s United Methodist Church seeks to be an inclusive, diverse church loving others according to the teachings of Jesus and working for justice and peace in our world. We invite people of every age, race, ethnicity, economic reality, family status, sexual orientation, gender identity, ...
St. Paul School & Preschool Sunday School Jesus Changes Everything Why We Exist To Worship We exist to worship God, celebrating His grace and glory in our lives. Through our services, we gather to give thanks and praise, aligning our hearts with the teachings of Christ. ...
St. Paul's is a Christian faith community that strives to fulfill the spiritual needs of all age groups and guide them in making that spirituality relevant in today's world. As you walk through our doors, you will find a welcoming atmosphere and a warm, nurturing Christian home. ...
St. Paul Armenian Church Սուրբ Պօղոս Հայաստանեայց Եկեղեցի 3767 N. First Street Fresno CA 93726 Սուրբ Պօղոս Հայաստանեայց Եկեղեցի ...
St. Paul's has opportunities for all ages to worship and learn. See more information on our Discipleship page! Click here to Register for any programming Sunday School Begins September 8th 8:45 - 9:45 AM EPIC Jr. Begins September 4th ...
At St. Paul's, we are dedicated to sharing Good News, Great Joy, with All People, and your generous contribution helps us achieve this mission. Together, let us continue to spread the message of hope and joy to all of our ministries and those around us....
圣保罗教堂, 斯托克纽因顿路(St Paul"s Church, Stoke Newington Road) 资源编号 :49497198 格式:jpg 文件体积 :154k 分辨率 :1000 x 645 爱给网提供海量的英国街景照片库 (cc协议)资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为jpg 格式的圣保罗教堂, 斯托克纽因顿路(St Paul"s Church, Stoke Newington Road), 本站编号494971...
St. Paul's Mission To make Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World. KNOW HIM AND MAKE HIM KNOWN Get Social With Us JOIN OUR SOCIAL NETWORKS, LIKE US, FOLLOW US St. Paul's United Methodist Church 400 Wayne Avenue ...
🚗交通攻略:在费城Downtown游览时,转到的一个教堂,周边就是居民区,交通也比较方便 🌟亮点特色:费城的文化底蕴和浓郁,不论是博物馆和教堂,都很有自己的建筑特色,而且这里的居民区的楼房也很古典。一个适合步行的城市,可以慢慢游览,欣赏城市的不同建筑与风格。这边的教堂大多也免费开放给公众参观,只要注意保持安静...
南京圣保罗教堂:由美国圣公会(Episcopal Church U.S.A.)建成于1913~1923年,是南京第一座正式的基督教礼拜堂。一九〇九年(清宣统元年)由美籍传教士季盟济(J.M.B.Gill)和马骥(John...(Show more) Closed until 9:00 AM Saturday (Show more) +86 25 8664 7225 @njstpaul Appears on ...