St. Andrew’s United – More Than Just A Church Statement of Welcome – Who is our neighbor? This is the guiding question of our mission. Living this question we appreciate that our neighbors, like the members of our congregation, are comprised of people of different ages, nationalities, eth...
St. Paul’s United Methodist Church seeks to be an inclusive, diverse church loving others according to the teachings of Jesus and working for justice and peace in our world. We invite people of every age, race, ethnicity, economic reality, family status, sexual orientation, gender identity, ...
Travis Park United Methodist Church 30米 圣安东尼奥儿童博物馆 120米 St. Mark's Episcopal Church 130米 Travis Park 140米 巴克霍恩博物馆 160米 热门地标 圣安东尼奥河步道 330米 阿拉莫 400米 圣费尔南多大教堂 540米 历史市场广场 890米 美洲塔 ...
St. Paul's Mission To make Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World. KNOW HIM AND MAKE HIM KNOWN Get Social With Us JOIN OUR SOCIAL NETWORKS, LIKE US, FOLLOW US St. Paul's United Methodist Church 400 Wayne Avenue ...
在诺维娜ST公寓入住期间,您可以步行前往Moulmein Rise Residential Tower、2号广场和United Square Shopping Mall等临近景点,开启愉快假期。 诺维娜ST公寓的儿童加床政策如何? 诺维娜ST公寓的政策规定,年满 12 岁的客人视为大人,因此入住必须加床,并需支付额外费用。您可以前往此住宿页面的“住宿政策”部分,详细了解...
At St. Paul's, we are dedicated to sharing Good News, Great Joy, with All People, and your generous contribution helps us achieve this mission. Together, let us continue to spread the message of hope and joy to all of our ministries and those around us....
Bethel St. Andrew's United Church WELCOME! Bethel St. Andrew's United Church is a Christian congregation with members from across West Carleton and area. We are situated on Jack Lougheed Way in Fitzroy Harbour. We are a welcoming congregation and we invite all people to join us as we gathe...
携程天气预报,为您及时准确发布中央气象台天气信息,便捷查询斯卡伯勒St. Andrew's United Reformed Church实时天气预报、明天天气预报、一周天气预报,提供天气现象、气温状况、实况温度、风向情况、风力等级、总降水量、相对湿度、日出/日落时间...
ST JOHN UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST - READING In person in the church sanctuary, live on Facebook, or later on YouTube. ALL ARE WELCOME!!! MISSION STATEMENT As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are called by God and empowered by the Holy Spirit to worship, to serve our community in Christian ...
Cyrene AME Church 1.1 直线距离163m balanceYoga by amanda 1.3 直线距离228m The Gallery Wedding & Event Venue 1.4 特色展馆 直线距离233m 查看全部 Walmart Supercenter 综合商场 直线距离2.9km Kay Jewelers 特产店 直线距离2.6km Miami Valley Centre Mall 综合商场 直线距离1.7km 查看全...