Welcome to our Parish Family!Lectio Divina is an ancient Christian practice of prayer and scripture reading intended to help us enter more deeply into the presence of God and to increase our knowledge of God's Word. All are welcome to attend. Registration is not required.SAINT PE...
Nativity of Saint John the Baptist June 24, 2012 La Natividad de san Juan Bautista 24 de junio de 2012Assisting ClergySanctuary CandlesPalms for Palm SundayMusic Resources & Copyrights The bread & wine for Masses Altar CandlesLectors' WorkbooksVacation Bible SchoolPaluch Co...
This project ended up being alittle more extensive than we had planned so theChurch construction was put on hold to makesure we finished the school renovations beforeschool started. The Cougar Court has been patched and resurfaced creating an inviting environment for our commu- nity. Our library...