上月21日,美国商务部公布的最终修正数据显示,2023年第三季度美国实际国内生产总值(GDP)按年率计算增长4.9%,较此前公布的修正数据下调了0.3个百分点。亚特兰大联储的GDPNow预测模型显示,去年四季度美国GDP增速或回落至2.2%。 美国去年四季度经济增速将于本月25日公布。
Pantheon Macroeconomics首席经济学家谢佛逊(Ian Shepherdson)表示:“制造业仍处于低迷状态,我们几乎看不到未来有实质性改善的迹象。回升至少还有几个月的时间。” 亚特兰大联储:四季度GDP增速或达到2.4%,回到疫情前水平 值得注意的是,此前多次准确预测初读数据的亚特兰大联储GDPNow工具更新的最后一份季度测算报告显示,G...
For example, "GDP" has 303 values for today. frompystlouisfedimportFREDfred=FRED(api_key='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz123456')df=fred.series_observations(series_id='GDP')print(len(df))# 303 But if we request all the changes, we get 3068 values!
Even the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank has admitted (though reluctantly, because they too spread the “unsustainable debt lie) that federal debt is not a problem — not a problem for the government, not a problem for the economy, and not a problem for taxpayers. On the contrar...
Louis Fed reports that MZM – cash – is soaring at a hyperinflationary 28.2% annual rate. But guess what? Prices are falling, not rising. Commodities sink almost daily. Gold goes down. Even oil, on the eve of what could turn out to be a wider mideast war, has fallen below OPEC’s...