In the centre of town : at the heart of the community Welcome to St John's Frome! Cherishing our inheritance of Christian faith and worship, we welcome all and share the joy of the Gospel message in Christ, through concern for the wholeness of individuals and active involvement in community...
罗马的克莱门特给哥林多教会的书信(Clement of Rome's epistle to the Corinthians,1世纪末2世纪初); 安提阿的伊格那丢给罗马人和以弗所人的书信(Ignatius of Antioch's letters To the Romans and to the Ephesians,2世纪早期); 波利卡给腓立比的书信(Polycarp's letter to the Philippians,2世纪初) Saint P...
John Baptist Rossi, the Carmelite prior general fromRome, went to Ávila in 1567 and approved the reform, directing Teresa to found more convents and to establishmonasteries. In the same year, while at Medina del Campo, Spain, she met a young Carmelitepriest, Juan de Yepes (laterSt. John...
With Saints Peter, James, and John, Andrew asked Jesus on the Mount of Olives for signs of the earth’s end, which inspired the eschatological discourse in Mark 13. In The Gospel According to John, Andrew is the first Apostle named, and he was a disciple of St. John the Baptist ...
St. AndrewSt. Andrew, one of the Twelve Apostles, depicted with an X-shaped cross. Exterior mosaic next to the cathedral at Amalfi, Italy. In the Bible:St. Andrewwas the first apostle named in theGospel According to John(John 1:40) and was originally adiscipleofSt. John the Baptist. ...