I dug more into this: SSL_get_error() returns a generic SSL Error but the error stays in the error queue so it may affects later calls; SSL_get_error() returns the error of the SSL object which is generic error; ERR_get_error() returns the correct error code for ERR_error_string(...
= 0. However the error string you are getting back is what happens when you pass 0 as the error value toERR_error_string_n(). SoERR_peek_error()is returning non-zero, butERR_get_error()returns zero?? This doesn't sound likely so something else must be happening. Perhaps the error...
微信开发者工具 GET net::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR 这个错误一般有2种出现方式, 第一种:是你使用了代理网络,关闭代理网络用自己的往就可以解决, 第二种:如果在前后端分离场景下,可能是你微信小程序的baseurl配置错误了,微信端请求的baseurl应该是http开头的而不是https...
qt.network.ssl: QSslSocket: cannot call unresolved function ERR_get_error 上网搜了下,是因为没有条件openssl的两个动态库libeay32.dll和ssleay32.dll。网上有两种说法,一是下载openssl,从里面复制出这两个文件到qt的路径下;二是直接从qt creator(或者qt的的某个目录?)下找到这两个文件复制过来。
记录一下 vue 发生GET https://sockjs-node/info?t=1620304352146 net::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
导致该问题的原因在于没有配置curl.cainfo,该配置位于php.ini中。 1、解决方案(个人试了不管用,还是报错): 下载cacert.pem https://curl.haxx.se/ca/cacert.pem 配置php.ini 打开你的php.ini 文件 搜索curl.cainfo 去掉前面的;(分号) [curl]
() by the way, no luckyautomethods = SSLv23_client_method(); m_ctx = SSL_CTX_new(methods);LOG(“Methods: ” << methods);LOG(“Context: ” << m_ctx);LOG("Error code:"<< ERR_peek_error());while(ERR_peek_error() !=0) {LOG(ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(),NULL)); } ...
ERR: SSL error: unable to get local issuer certificate (preverify_ok=0;err=20;depth=1) is LetsEncrypt also not verified or do I have a false understanding of ssl ? My Browser is workin fine also with the old one. Member lws-team commented Apr 2, 2019 This works, right? $ libweb...
在相应的页面的里加上这句代码,意思是自动将http的不安全请求升级为https HTTPS 是 HTTP over Secure Socket Layer,以安全为目标的 HTTP 通道,所以在 HTTPS 承载的页面上不允许出现 http 请求,一旦出现就是提示或报错: 每天学习一点点,你就进步一点点。