SSDNodes一家主要提供采用OPENVZ架构的vps主机的国外主机商,数据中心在达拉斯Incero机房以及加拿大蒙特利尔(OVH)机房。公司在特拉华州注册,其vps采用纯SSD磁盘,目前主机商在LEB发了三款特别套餐,其中有两款支持月付,均为大内存的配置。其中达拉斯节点采用E5-2630 v3系列CPU,而加拿大OVH机房采用 Intel E5-1660 v3 系列CPU...
现在Limewave有几款特价KVM VPS,加拿大机房,性价比不错,如$1/月/1核512MB内存/10GB SSD空间/500GB流量@1Gbps端口/KVM架构。 Limewave怎么样,Limewave好不好,Limewave,加拿大商家,2010年就成立了,主要提供KVM VPS(AS36369, Castlegar, B.C. Canada)。注意这家只有加拿大VPS,机房在加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省卡斯尔...
VPS Hosting Locations: USA(San Jose, Chicago, New York), UK(Manchester), Netherlands(Amsterdam), Germany(Frankfurt), Canada(Montreal), France(Paris) and some more Discover the true benefits of SSD VPS hosting with MonoVM. Our SSD VPS plans are designed to cater to your specific needs and ...
多伦多 Toronto, ON, Canada: (Peer1): (Download: 官网 所有主机信息仅是为及时分享并收录,不做推荐! 【亚洲VPS】哇沃主機想打一個廣告,這個廣告位非常棒。 【韩国SK,原生IP】Kdatacenter:$17.1/月/1G内存/100GB SSD空间/1TB流量...
VPS Medium 8GB RAM 40GB SSD 4x Intel E5 Cores 4TB Transfer 1x IPv4 Virtuozzo 7 $65.99/year Order Now + More offers from SSD Nodes:Click Here They offer PayPal, Credit Card, and Bitcoin as payment methods. Network Information Montreal, Canada (OVH) ...
洛杉矶海星云MC房地产产品共有三种配置,流量类型为100mbps宽频带端口,个人使用流量已经足够。目前,在美国洛杉矶MC room有一场购买SSD VPS的促销活动,终身折扣85%。该折扣具有较高的性价比。关于如何购买,请直接点击本博客的购买链接到星云官方网站,并向用户中心注册购买账号。
SSD VPS is currently available in Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States - 11 locations worldwide - and we plan to roll out to more datacenters. 99.9% SLA: Performance Guarantee If we fail to achieve 99.9% availability for SSD VPS servers in any monthly...
现在Limewave加拿大KVM VPS有几款特价套餐,性价比不错:$8/年/1核512MB内存/10GB SSD空间/500GB流量@1Gbps端口。 LimeWave官网:控制台可选中文),开发票地址 ...
Simple Managed VPS built with powerful processors and fast SSD storage. Deploy globally from US, Canada, Europe, Asia, Australia and Africa. Get Started Free Managed Cloud VPS Starts at $7/month. For Small and Medium sized Business or startups and other sites that has custom requirements. ...