SRT Time Shift 2. 输入文件和时间位移,还要计算一下,注意格式。 36 分钟是 36 x 60 = 2160 秒,还要+8.240秒。 这个格式不对! 这个Offset 格式是正确的。 3. 下载转换后的SRT文件 Your file is ready! 4. 看看是否值得购买云服务?关键看价格。 当然,我如果需要更复杂的字幕服务,还是可以考虑。其实,我的...
file.timeshift(:all=>"-2.5s")# Shift all subtitles so they show up 2.5 seconds earlier Simply pass a hash of the form:all => "[+|-][amount][h|m|s|ms]"Other example options, e.g.::all => "+1.34m",:all => "0.15h",:all => "90ms" ...
[nargs=0..1] [default: "UTF-8"] --b-shift, --bottom-tshift Time shift the bottom subtitles -t, --top SRT file for the top subtitles file. [required] --t-enc, --top-enc Encoding of the top SRT file. [nargs=0..1] [default: "UTF-8"] --t-shift, --top-tshift Time ...
uint64_t&srctime,int&msglen){CGuardbufferguard(m_BufLock);Block*p=m_pFirstBlock;// XXX Suboptimal procedure to keep the blocks identifiable// by sequence number. Consider using some circular buffer.for(inti=0;i<offset;++i)p=p->m_pNext;// Check if the block that is the next candidate...
SRT、SSA格式字幕调整 这是一个旧文档,文档的内容可能已经失去时效性,信息仅供参考。SRT和SS A两种格式的字幕均为文本格式字幕,其共同的优点是:* 只需要单独一个文件即可使用,不象SUB字幕还需要一个idx定义文件 * 字幕文件很小,都在几十K...
-Support all video and audio files Quicktime Play X supported. -Import SRT file or create a new SRT file from scratch. -Create and edit your subtitles just in a text editor. -Support basic font formatting: Italic, Bold, Underline and Colour, both import SRT and export SRT. -Shift all ...
选择工具栏: Timing Shift Times.会弹出如下图的窗口:在“Time to shift events by”框中输入需要提前或者延迟的时间(请注意:最后两位零为毫秒单位),然后根据需要选择下方的选项:Shift Forwards:字幕延迟Shift Backwards:字幕提前Shift all from current row:从当前选择的字幕行开始改变Shift selected rows only:只...
If you need to adjust the timing of your subtitles, be sure to maintain the correct format: hours:minutes:seconds,milliseconds. Small adjustments can make a big difference in the viewing experience. If all subtitles need a uniform shift in time, professional subtitle software can typically perform...
print(f"text: {text}") print(f"text_without_tags: {text_without_tags}") print(f"from_lines: {from_lines}") print(f"from_string:{from_string}") print(f"index: {index}") print(f"position: {position}") print(f"shift: {shift}") print(f"split_timestamps: {split_timestamps}"...
ss.SSS')ifactual_start_timeisnotNoneelsearrow.get(0)n=0forsegmentinresult["segments"]:# 计算开始时间和结束时间n+=1start=format_time(start_time.shift(seconds=segment["start"]))end=format_time(start_time.shift(seconds=segment["end"]))# 构建字幕文本subtitle_num=str(n)subtitle_time=f"{...