fastapi的作者注意到了这个问题,于是发明了此ORM工具。 SQLModel is a library for interacting withSQL databasesfrom Python code, with Python objects. It is designed to be intuitive, easy to use, highly compatible, and robust. SQLModelis based...
以上代码示例了创建和更新一个名为"items"的数据库表,通过FastAPI接收和验证请求数据,并使用Pydantic模型来处理和返回数据。使用SQLAlchemy ORM操作数据库,将Pydantic模型的数据更新到SQLAlchemy模型中,并返回更新后的模型。 关于FastAPI、Pydantic、SQLAlchemy、数据库连接等知识,你可以查阅以下腾讯云相关产品和文档...
By default methodcreate_modelsgenerate GinoORM models, to get Pydantic models output use the argumentmodels_type='pydantic'('sqlalchemy' for SQLAlchemy models; 'dataclass' for Dataclasses; 'sqlalchemy_core' for Sqlalchemy Core Tables).
Provide SQLAlchemy ORM and pydantic data models for SQL storage and serialization of COBRA components such as reactions, compounds, and compartments. - opencobra/cobra-component-models