CREATEPARTITIONFUNCTIONmyRangePF1 (int)ASRANGELEFTFORVALUES(1,100,1000); The following table shows how a table that uses this partition function on partitioning columncol1would be partitioned. B. Creating a RANGE RIGHT partition function on an int column The following partition function uses the ...
from sys.partition_functions where name = @partition_function if @function_id is null return 1 end -- get partition range select partition_function = ,t.partition ,t.minval ,value = case when f.boundary_value_on_right=1 then '<= val <' else '< val <=' end ,t.maxval from...
if exists(select * from sys.partition_range_values where function_id=(select function_id from sys.partition_functions where name=@partFunctionName)) begin if exists(select * from sys.partition_range_values where function_id=(select function_id from sys.partition_schemes where name='Scheme_DateTim...
create partition function 分区函数名(<分区列类型>) as range [left/right] for values (每个分区的边界值,...) 1. 2. --创建分区函数 CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION [bgPartitionFun](int) AS RANGE LEFT FOR VALUES (N'1000000', N'2000000', N'3000000', N'4000000', N'5000000', N'6000000', N'...
When creating a partitioning function, you can choose a LEFT or RIGHT partition function. The difference between LEFT and RIGHT partitions is where the boundary values will be placed in the partitioning scheme. LEFT partitions (which is the default) include the boundary value in the partition ...
Find more examples of LEFT and RIGHT partition functions in CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION (Transact-SQL).Partition schemeA partition scheme is a database object that maps the partitions of a partition function to one filegroup or to multiple filegroups....
Find more examples of LEFT and RIGHT partition functions in CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION (Transact-SQL).Partition schemeA partition scheme is a database object that maps the partitions of a partition function to one filegroup or to multiple filegroups....
For the two partition functions to be equivalent, the partition functions must have identical range clauses (both must specify either LEFT or RIGHT) and the values clauses must specify the same boundary points. More specifically, the view must meet the following requirements to qualify as a ...
將一個檔案新增至每個檔案群組。 建立名為 myRangePF1 的RANGE RIGHT 資料分割函數,其具有三個界限值,將資料表分割成四個分割區。 建立名為 myRangePS1 的資料分割配置,此配置會將 myRangePF1 套用至四個新的檔案群組。 建立名為 PartitionTable 的資料分割資料表,該資料表會使用 myRangePS1 分割col1。在...
SQL Server 版本 错误和事件(10000 到 10999) 相关内容 本文包含错误消息编号(介于 10000 到 10999 之间)及其说明,这是目录视图中错误消息 sys.messages 的文本。 如果提供了错误编号,可以通过它找到详细信息。有关错误号的完整范围,请参阅数据库引擎事件和错误列表。...