He is editor-in-chief of Frontiers of Computer Science, and has been an associate editor for prestigious journals such as the Machine Learning journal and IEEE PAMI. He is a Fellow of the ACM, AAAI, AAAS, IEEE, IAPR, IET/IEE, CCF and CAAI, and recipient of numerous awards, including ...
International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems IF: 1.687 International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics IF: 1.699 JOM IF: 1.860 Applied Physics B IF: 1.696 International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufactu IF: 1.497 Wireless Networks IF: 1.584 Journal of Superconductivity ...
Interval valued hesitant fuzzy uncertain linguistic aggregation operators in multiple attribute decision making International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics 的论文所涵盖主题包括但不限于:计算智能、人工智能(包括机器人技术)、控制,机器人及机电一体化、...
- Computational visualization and interaction 参考文献:https://www.springer.com/journal/40747?utm_source=wechat&utm_medium=social&utm_content=other&utm_campaign=SRCN_3_LL01_CN_CNIJ_eng_cp20_40747 特别声明:以上内容(如有图片或视频亦包括在内)为自媒体平台“网易号”用户上传并发布,本平台仅提供信息...
2004年,乌苏拉-施普林格将施普林格出版公司出售给曼海姆控股公司,曼海姆信托公司的一个子公司。2008年,他们成立了一个部门,专注于护理工作,以及怀疑有虐待行为时 "需要注意的迹象"。2015年,德莫斯医学出版公司并入斯普林格出版公司。 ——来自维基百科 Springer旗下学术期刊列表...
特刊:Machine Learning for Infrastructure Durability and Resilience 期刊:Journal of Infrastructure Preservation and Resilience 客座编辑:Yong Deng & Qiao Dong Machine learning has demonstrated exceptional capabilities in data analysis, system identification, and optimized decision-making processes, highlighting its...
he has worked as Machine Learning Specialist at Belkin International and a Director of Research at Microline Technology Corp. He is a member of several technical committees, has published in numerous conference and journal publications and contributed to edited books. He also has two patents and hav...
et al. Advances of Four Machine Learning Methods for Spatial Data Handling: a Review. Journal of...
(全球订阅量) International Journal of Computer Vision Machine Learning Algorithmica Acta Informatica The Visual Computer Springer数学和计算机领域出版物介绍 (Data from ; if a book is published simultaneously in hard- and paperback editions, only the hardback edition was included) 2005年数学类专著出版...
期刊:International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education 客座编辑:Olaf Zawacki-Richter, Kyungmee Lee, Paul Prinsloo, Patricia Slagter Van Tryon & John Y. H. Bai There has been growing interest in the educational potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications within the field...