spread betting是是一种在金融市场或产品(如股票或商品)上进行交易的方式。What is Financial Spread Betting?Financial Spread Betting is a way of trading on a financial market or product such as a share or a commodity without having to physically own it.Spread Betting allows you, an investor, to...
spread betting Wikipedia n (Gambling, except Cards) a form of gambling in which stakes are placed not on the results of contests but on the number of points scored, etc. Winnings and losses are calculated according to the accuracy or inaccuracy of the prediction ...
spread betting是什么意思 译为价差赌注 === 您好!您提出的问题,我的答案已经给出,请您浏览一遍!有什么不懂的地方欢迎回复我!希望我的答案对您有所帮助!如果满意请及时点击【采纳为满意答案】按钮 若是客户端的朋友在右上角评价点【满意】您的采纳!是我答题的动力 也同时给您带来知识和财富值...
点差交易(spread betting/trading)是交易标的金融交易对象的变化幅度,以建仓价格为基准,对单边变化幅度即点差(spread)变化运用保证金放大进行下注的一种交易方式。可以包括股票、指数、外汇、指数期货等各种产品。点差交易(Spread betting)是炒作交易对象(Instruments)的价格变动幅度。举例:如果说你通过炒...
点差交易(Spread betting)是炒作交易对象(Instruments)的价格变动幅度,而差价合约交易(Contract for Difference, CFD)则是炒作交易对象的头寸(Position)的变化。 举例: 如果说你通过炒房产赚10万元,那么你赚钱的情况一般来说会是2种:你先在低市价100万元的价位买入这套房子,然后拥有这套房子(持有头寸)一段时间,过了...
Spread Betting Compare spread betting companies Spread betting allows you to trade on stocks, commodities, currencies and much more. Identify the markets with which you're familiar. Do your research. Increase your chance of success by trading in markets where you have experience and knowledge. ...
Spreadbetting.cn金融域名在sedo上成交价达1300万元 米界震惊 Spreadbetting大家可能比较陌生,但如果说是点差交易(保证金交易,杠杆交易,可以买涨买跌),从事金融行业的人就一定不会陌生了。因为整个金融行业,势头最火爆的莫过于点差交易了,这跟传统金融不同,点差交易可以说是新金融以后的发展趋势,而Spreadbetting正是点...
If spread betting sounds like something you might do in a sports bar, you're not far off. Charles K. McNeil, a mathematics teacher who became a securities analyst—and later a bookmaker—in Chicago during the 1940s has been widely credited with inventing thespread-betting concept. But its ...
A definition of the term "spread betting" is presented, which refers to the way of betting on the outcome of movements in the financial markets. Specialist firms accept bets on the movement up or period over a period of stock index or individual share much like that of bookmakers at the ...