Scripturesclearlydoare,canwebegintounderstandthemeaningoflifeasit reallyis.Onlythencanwecomprehendthevitalnecessityofputtingonthe wholearmorofGodwhich,farfrombeingmerelyafigureofspeech,is,infact, Christhimself,asheistous. Inourhelplessness,oncefullyrealized,wehavebeengiventhreespecific ...
Read more Spiritual Warfare Scriptures to memorize and mediate on when facing life's battles. Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/aldomurillo 5. Power of Praise Praise invites God’s Presence. He dwells close to us when we praise Him. And praise is a powerful weapon as well. It ma...
medicine and physical maladies as anyone in his day.He recognized that an evi l spirit (Jesus cal led it "a spirit of infirmity") had produced her sickness. Numerous Scriptures verify Jesus assertion that sickness is demonic. 1Matt 8:16 ...
Welcome to YouthFire Ministries & Dr. Gregory Reid. A ministry committed to speaking truth to this generation since 1976. Spiritual warfare resources include: books, articles, videos & audio messages. Dr. Reid speaks extensively on spiritual warfare.
Professor Dasa noted the foundational Hindu text Bhagavad Gita which, while emphasizing LOVE ABOVE ALL THINGS, allowed for warfare when the oppressor was inordinate in causing suffering. In fact, the spiritual epic “Gita” for short, opens with the assembling of armies! But a subsequent dialogue...
*Unless noted, Scriptures are taken from the English Standard Version. Paris, Texas and the Power of Simple Obedience by|Faith Lived Out,Spiritual Warfare Last month my friend Jenster asked me if I wanted to go on vacation. “Of course,” I said. She wanted to go to the beach, so I ...
As such, we have been given a charge by Paul to preach the gospel of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead on the third day according to the scriptures. We do that by preaching the word, teaching the word, and sending the ...
Read more Spiritual Warfare Scriptures to memorize and mediate on when facing life's battles. Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/aldomurillo 5. Power of Praise Praise invites God’s Presence. He dwells close to us when we praise Him. And praise is a powerful weapon as well. It ma...
Missions Mobilization Group 190 Stoneridge Drive s Columbia, SC 29210-8254 (803) 765-0030 or (800) 723-7242 Website: .scbaptist Th..