Of course, it may now be complained that such deficiencies are not obviously the same, or even clearly related—so that what may be thought a remedy for one may not remotely be regarded as such for the other. Thus, someone may well be listless or dispirited without being philistine; be ...
Thought creates. All creation is revelation. Even people who may seem inert aren’t. They have to act to avoid action, though usually that is not conducive to growth or productivity. We have survived as long as we have not for our normal humans. They tend to function sort of like deer...
The honey-colored stone buildings gleamed in the bright Italian sunshine as dawn broke over the town of Assisi one day during Lent in the year 1212. The lively medieval town, perched on the slopes of Monte Subasio in the heart of the Umbria region of Italy, offered breathtaking views of t...
for our work and ministry on the mission field. My prayer is that God will speak to you first through His Word, and then through the devotions in this booklet; that He will make scripture passages that you have read many times fresh and new. And that you will find that ...
Very subconsciously, if that was the case, as I couldn't recognize any such thought. The simple "keynote of harmony" instruction to let go of fear was most helpful, but how to let go of fear while my concerns remained unsolved? I had to learn to trust the living God, moment by ...
Therefore, there is no standard formula for becoming a successful steward. The goal of this book is not to provide ready-made answers but to 9 produce perspective and stimulate thought -- the very thought that can work within us, prompting prayer and inspiration, and accessing us to real ...
The Torah is the first five books of the Tanach. He who controls vocabulary controls thought. —[attributed to] Luigi Wittgenstein Future Events Clothing Bible Prayer Addictions Doctrines Money People Names English Hebrew Greek Latin High Mountain Aaron ... ... Redness Adam ... ......
Much to my own surprise, I had become a Christian, something I thought I’d never do! Never say never folks! The very next morning, a Romany Gypsy appeared at my door. I’d been thinking about her for hours and now there she stood! She said she had got born again and that Jesus...
Nate is the first person to interview me specifically about the Ravi Zacharias sex abuse scandal and ask me why I thought it took so long for the collective church to "get it." Share this: Facebook Reddit Twitter Tumblr Email Pinterest LinkedIn Print Loading... Tagged Almost Heretical, cl...
By reading and meditating on God's Word daily, we can bring "into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ" (II Corinthians 10:5). Indeed, obedience is critical. Just as a soldier in an army is required to obey his commanding officer, we, too, must walk in obedience to our...