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Likewise LSS,re, LSS,ma may be either positive or negative and be so the cause of either α or β effect, despite being due to α-electrons only (Table 11.1). In addition, LSs,re may either concur or oppose to the α or β effect due to the magnetic density. From a computational ...
1 describes the interaction of the spin magnetic moment of an electron with the magnetic moment induced by it while orbiting in the nuclear electrostatic field, involving only spin-same-orbit coupling terms and arises due to electron-nuclear Coulomb attraction. The two-electron contribution expressed...
Instead, we shall consider an interaction between spins through conduction electrons; i.e., RKKY) interaction. Although the Kondo effect screens the impurity spin and makes the system nonmagnetic, RKKY makes the magnetic moment stabilized. The studies of the two impurity spin system showed that mod...
is unimportant for spin relaxation. This is because all spin-dependent parts of the e-ph interaction are short-ranged, while Fröhlich interaction is the only long-range part of the e-ph interaction but is spin-independent. This important conclusion again emphasizes the sharp difference between ...
Another important type of experiments is that of pure NQR, where the only term of the unperturbed Hamiltonian is the quadrupolar interaction. The pure NQR of spin 3/2 nuclei can be simulated changing the parameters in the previous two examples as spin_par = {'quantum number' : 3/2, 'ga...
The valley magnetic moments of BiX/SbX monolayers are related to not only the valley pseudo-spin but also the real spin. Δ1 is a variable that can be adjusted by the electric field. Discussion Chemical functionalization of 2D materials is a powerful tool to create new materials with ...
(DW) factor31,32. Only the ZPL emission is useful for photon-spin entanglement schemes, and thus a high DW factor is desirable. The configuration coordinate diagram (adiabatic potential energy against configuration coordinate) is often utilized to investigate the ZPL emission (Fig.3)51,52. Here...
Our previous high field ESR measurements at 1.8 K revealed that there exists a magnetic phase transition not only at Hc 1 but also at Hm=10.1 T.[4]. We also found the direct transition between the singlet ground state and the excited state below 1 K [5]. The mechanism of these ...
(edges) between gapped surfaces bind gapless chiral or helical modes18,19,20,21,22. In HOTIs, the specific configuration of hinge states can provide an indicator of the bulk topology, but only in system geometries with unrealistically high symmetry (i.e. where the entire crystallite exhibits ...