Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends: Created by Dennis Marks, Stan Lee, Steve Ditko, Jack Kirby, Dan Spiegle. With Hans Conried, Sally Julian, Jerry Dexter, Anne Lockhart. Spider-Man battles crime in New York City with the help of Iceman and Firestar.
英文名字: Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends 级别: 类型: 动作/科幻/动画 浏览量: 收藏量: 时间: 50天前 状态: 第1季完结 首播: 1981-09-12 周六 简介: 蜘蛛侠和他的神奇朋友其中包括,冰人(Iceman),星火(Firestar),和绿巨人(the Incredible Hulk)讲述了蜘蛛侠和他的好友共同打击纽约犯罪的故事。
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"Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends"演员列表,演员:Dan Gilvezan,Kathy Garver,弗兰克·维尔克,斯坦·李,Dick Tufeld,琼恩·弗雷,乔治·第桑佐,John Stephenson,Hans Conried,Sally Julian,Dennis Marks,Janet Waldo,梅丽莎·苏·安德森,Chris Latta,William Marshall,
While Marvel Productions was developing Spider-Man for syndication in 1981, they also had a Spider-Man project in the works for NBC. However, the network wanted a show that had a wider audience appeal. Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends Episode Guide -Ma
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Spectacular Spider-Manhttp://www.spidermanandhisamazingfriends.com/spectacularspiderman.html Spider-Manhttp://www.spidermanandhisamazingfriends.com/spiderman.html Spider-Man Unlimitedhttp://www.spidermanandhisamazingfriends.com/spidermanunlimited.html Spider-Man: Complete Animated Series...
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends類型: 動作, 家庭, 科幻 上映中: 沒有上映日資訊。3.5 Scott Carey (Grant Williams) is contaminated by a radioactive cloud and pesticide, and he slowly begins shrinking. When he's three feet tall, he briefly becomes friends with a female circus midget but ...