2 S T M Part Number 702597 702598 702592 Price in USD, Quantity 1 $ 989 $ 1199 $ 1495 Advanced emulator controller for higher performance Yes Yes Yes MIPI Trace capability for advanced development Yes Yes Operates with Windows XP, Vista, Win7, and Linux Yes Yes Yes ...
Yet another ZX Spectrum Emulator. Part of a project for an upcoming C++ talk. Building Pre-requisites: CMake, Ninja and a modern compiler capable of c++26. LibSDL's development headers and dependencies: sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev on Ubuntu. Build with cmake in your favourite way.Ab...
類似のパッケージ: spectrum2-backend-swiften spectrum2-backend-libcommuni spectrum2 libtransport2.0 libtransport-dev libtransport-plugin2.0 fbzx spectrum-roms spview kodi-visualization-spectrum fuse-emulator-utilsSpectrum 2 - smstools3 backendその他の spectrum2-backend-smstools3 関連パッケージ依存...
emulatorsinclairzxspectrumspectrumesp32pentagonvgabaremetalesp32-idfttgovga32zx48kfabglbitlunizx128kbetadisk UpdatedJan 20, 2025 C IQEngine/IQEngine Sponsor Star231 Code Issues Pull requests A web-based SDR toolkit for analyzing, processing, and sharing RF recordings ...
Device types User 1 - 2 device types User 3 device types Joypad Keyboard External Links ZX Spectrum (Fuse)¶ Background¶The Free Unix Spectrum Emulator (Fuse): an emulator of the 1980s home computer and various clones for Unix, Mac OS X and Windows.The...
Speccy - Complete Sinclair ZX Spectrum Emulator Mod Apk Speccy runs Sinclair ZX Spectrum emulator software. This software runs on Sinclair ZX Spectrum
总之,仿真器XDS510 USB JTAG Emulator XAO-1808070506160在嵌入式系统、微控制器和FPGA开发中具有重要的应用价值,能够帮助开发者提高开发效率、减少错误、优化性能,从而推动电子系统的不断进步和创新。上海航欧机电设备有限公司成立于2006年,专业从事进口机电设备、仪器仪表等备品备件的销售,是经营世界各地进口设备机电...
Fuse (the Free Unix Spectrum Emulator) is a ZX Spectrum emulator.It supports several models (including the 128), with faithful emulation of the display and sound.
FBZX is a Sinclair ZX Spectrum emulator, designed to work at full screen using the FrameBuffer. It also works under X, both in full screen mode and a window.
Fuse - the Free Unix Spectrum Emulator-开源Ct**kI 上传1.61MB 文件格式 gz 开源软件 Free Unix Spectrum模拟器(保险丝):1980年代家用计算机的模拟器,以及Unix,Mac OS X和Windows的各种克隆。点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载