Figure 8.Excitation versus emission difference surface for Suwannee River fulvic acid with Al (0.06 mmol·L−1) minus Suwannee River fulvic acid without Al at pH 4.0. Plot (a) is a perspective drawing and plot (b) is a contour map. In (b) the peaks in the fulvic acid spectrum (×...
(40), one sees that the minus term ∼ − md /m Q a/r in Eq. (40) is notably suppressed and this gives relatively larger predictions for a2. We remark three features of our computations: (i) As a leading approximation, the Breit-Fermi-like inter- action (34) have not considered...
In the UV and visible spectral range, λ is expressed in nanometers (1 nm = 10−9 m). The irradiance in each spectral range is listed as well as the known percentage solar variability, defined as the maximum minus minimum divided by the minimum. Table 1. Subregions of the spectrum ...
Difference spectra obtained by taking the spectrum of a heme complex with a more hindered ligand minus that of a less hindered ligand approximated the T minus R state difference spectrum reported by Perutz et al. [Perutz, M. F., Ladner, J. E., Simon, S. R., & Ho, C. (1974) ...
Ti3+ had a broad absorption band of 70nm, full width at half maximum (fwh) with a peak at 545nm and a crystal-field splitting of Dq=1840cm−1. Fe3+ gave rise to a broad emission band (81 nm fwh) with a peak at 796nm, while Ti3+ did not give luminescent centers in the...
of the optic disc (OD). The areas used for the analysis(green)show the retinal blood vessels subtracted from the image(a). The mean spectra in the regions of interest(b). The mean(shaded), plus or minus the standard error of the mean. AD: Alzheimer’s disease. Courtesy of UZ Leuven...
“This is the first time we’ve been able to print something where the channel height is at the 10-µm level,” he said. “We can control it really accurately, to an error of plus or minus 1 µm. This is something that has never been done before, so this is a breakthrough ...
4G, H). This phenotype might be caused by lack of minus end anchorage of MTs, in combination with axonal MT sliding performed by kinesins [108], [109]. Taken together, Shot operates in axons via a variety of mechanisms, made possible through its multi-domain structure (Fig. 1). Of ...
In the region of the longest wavelength singlet band triplet expinction coefficients of 4700 plus or minus 500 mol- //1 cm- //1 for ph a and of 5700 plus or minus 600 mol- //1 cm- //1 for ph b have been found. The triplet deactivation is simply first order (tau- pha equals ...
Raman spectra of cubic ${\\mathrm{Zn}}_{1\\mathrm{\\ensuremath{-}}\\mathit{x}}$${\\mathrm{Cd}}_{\\mathit{x}}$S Raman scattering spectra of cubic Mn{sub x}Cd{sub 1{minus}x}Te mixed crystals are measured in the range of compositions 0.7 {le} x {le} 1.0. Simplified dyn...