Gindl W, Gupta HS (2002) Cell-wall hardness and Young’s modulus of melamine-modified spruce wood by nano-indentation. Compos Part A Appl Sci Manuf 33:1141–1145. Article Google Scholar Bos H, Molenveld K, Teunissen W, Van Wingerde ...
Furthermore, the corresponding surface stiffness changes in the polymer film before (Figure 3e) and after being immersed in the 3′-sialyllactose solution (Figure 3f) were recorded using Young's modulus maps. The remarkable color change from purple (corresponding to a high modulus) to yellow (a...
The mean Young’s modulus of the polymer film decreased from 210 MPa to ~138 MPa. In comparison, there was no change in the surface morphology when the PEI thin film interacted with 3′-sialyllactose (Supplementary Figure 5). These data were consistent with the QCM-D dissipation changes...
Then, the enrichment efficiency of the PEI-g-DF-grafted microspheres for glycopeptides was evaluated using tryptic digests of bovine fetuin (a standard glycoprotein) mixed with different levels of BSA (a typical non-modified protein). Before the enrichment, the whole mass spectrum (MS) was occup...