An international agreement between most world governments was formed in 1973, called theConvention on International Trade of Endangered Species, or CITES for short. Since its formation, CITES has held a convention of involved countries every three years. During this time, species can be added (or ...
The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) is the best known and most controversial of international conservation treaties. Since it came into force 25 years ago, debate has raged over its most basic assumptions. CITES treats the international trade in wildlife as the most...
很幸运的是海洋白尖鲨,在今年的会议上代表们投赞成票将其添加到一长串的正在收到保护的濒危物种中。目前已经有35,000种动植物参与濒危物种国际贸易保护--简称CITES。 This agreement was signed in 1973 and the convention works by licens...
CITES Secretariat, Geneva, and UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge, 114-115.Anonymous. 2011. Checklist of CITES species (CD-ROM). CITES Secretariat, Geneva, Switzerland and UNEP- WCMC, Cambridge, United Kingdom.UNEP-WCMC, 2011: Checklist of CITES Species. CD-ROM. CITES Secretariat, Geneva, Switzerland, and...
Fig. 1: Summary of the number of reptile species detected in the trade between 2000 and 2019, and their status within CITES and the IUCN RedList. Large numbers indicate the total in each of the three data sources, whereas the smaller numbers report the overlap between datasets (e.g., onl...
CITES, sustainable use of wild species and incentive-driven conservation in developing countries, with an emphasis on southern Africa Over 30,000 species of animals and plants that are, or may be, detrimentally affected by international trade are listed on the Appendices of the Convention......