是的sparse本身不支持单精度 你可以转化为double再用sparse 如果还要用single类型进一步节省空间 还是有办法的 实际上sparse稀疏矩阵,能够节省存储空间的原因是 避免存储矩阵中大量的0元素 而sparse实际上是寻找矩阵的非零元素,记录它们的下标值和数值 如果是single的矩阵,使用不了sparse,我们可以用find得到...
Double Sparsity: Learning Sparse Dictionaries for Sparse Signal Approximation An efficient and flexible dictionary structure is proposed for sparse and redundant signal representation. The proposed sparse dictionary is based on a spa... R Rubinstein,M Zibulevsky,M Elad - 《IEEE Transactions on Signal...
We formulate a double shrinking model (DSM) as an <formula formulatype="inline"><tex Notation="TeX">$ell_{1}$</tex></formula> regularized variance maximization with constraint <formula formulatype="inline"><tex Notation="TeX">$Vert xVert_{2}=1$</tex></formula>, and develop a ...
Computes the inner product of sparse vector x with sparse vector y, with both vectors containing double-precision values.
1被引用 0笔记 摘要原文 Statistical learning of high-dimensional data often improves learning performance by taking advantage of structural information hidden in data. In this paper, we investigate the structured multitask learning problem and propose a generalized estimator to utilize the structural infor...
sparse_permute_cols_double(_:_:) Function sparse_permute_cols_double(_:_:) Permutes the columns of the double-precision sparse matrix A based on the provided permutation array. iOS 9.0+iPadOS 9.0+Mac Catalyst 13.1+macOS 10.11+tvOS 9.0+visionOS 1.0+watchOS 3.0+ func sparse_permute_cols_dou...
Image restoration is a problem because high speed and high restored quality are both very important characteristics a state-of-the-art algorithm should possess. A novel algorithm based on double sparse representations is proposed in this paper to solve the image restoration problem efficiently. A new...
rand(m,n,'double')生成指定精度的均匀分布的伪随机数,参数还可以是'single' rand(RandStream,m,n)利用指定的RandStream(我理解为随机种子)生成伪随机数 randn: 生成标准正态分布的伪随机数(均值为0,方差为1)。主要语法:和上面一样 randi: 生成均匀分布的伪随机整数 ...
对角存储格式(DIA)和ELL格式在进行稀疏矩阵-矢量乘积(sparse matrix-vector products)时效率最高,所以它们是应用迭代法(如共轭梯度法)解稀疏线性系统最快的格式;DIA格式存储数据的非零元素平均使用的字节数与矩阵类型有较大关系,适合于StructuredMesh结构的稀疏矩阵(float类型约为4.05,double类型约为8.10)。对于Unstructur...
Multiplies the dense matrix B by the sparse matrix A and adds the result to the dense matrix C, all with double-precision values.