SP2-0027: Input is too long (> 2499 characters) 是SQLPlus 在处理输入的 SQL 语句时遇到的一个错误。这个错误表明输入的 SQL 语句单行字符数超过了 SQLPlus 允许的最大长度限制,即 2499 个字符。当输入超过这个限制时,SQL*Plus 会忽略这一行输入,并显示这个错误。
When we tried to execute long SQL queries on the SQLPLUS prompt then we will get the bellow error: SP2-0027: Input is too long (> 2499 characters) Error occurred due to SQL queries is not break in different lines it is present in one line which will reached the upper limit of the si...
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later: DBMS_TTS.TRANSPORT_SET_CHECK Errors With "SP2-0027: Input Is Too Long (> 2499 Characters)
如果在sqlplus中出现下面的错误: SP2-0027: Input is too long (> 2499 characters) - line ignored 表示sql一行的语句已经超过了2499个字符。 解决: 在一段sql中加“回车”, 保证每行不超2499个字符,重新执行sql语句就好了。 二、其他 1、如何在sqlplus中查看oracle数据库sql语句执行计划,执行时间和统计信息 #...
Hi, Am trying to insert a record having a data string, which is more than = 3000 char in length. Have encountered the following error. SP2-0027: Input is too long (> 2499 characters) - line ignored any body has any work …
oracle sqlplus SP2-0027: Input is too long (> 2499 characters) - line ignored 原因:sqlplus中输入过长的sql语句,报错 解决: 长语句拆小换行执行就好