When Europeans first rounded the Cape of Good Hope, they encountered herding people, whom they called Hottentots (a name now considered pejorative) but who called themselves Khoekhoe, meaning “men of men.” At that time they inhabited the fertile southwestern Cape region as well as its more ...
the BSAC and the colonial powers supported the settlers. Elsewhere African ruling elites were able to strike compromises with their new overlords. On the reserves and protectorates of Southern Africa, chiefs and hereditary headmen still controlled their followings, although their authority was eroded ...
The region’s climate ranges from tropical in the north, desert in the northern Andes and the south, Mediterranean along the Pacific Ocean, to temperate in the eastern grasslands. The northeast, dominated by grassland and croplands, is characterized by high mean annual precipitation (>1200 mm) ...
Although women have a higher life expectancy than men, they also have higher incidences of chronic illness and mental health problems, and report greater use of healthcare services than men [81]. Regarding well-being disparities by life transitions as individual endowments, evidence indicates poorer...
1. Characteristics of the column History and culture in the period of Nanzhao and Dali were analyzed. 对《大理学院学报》2006年稿源及论文刊用情况作统计,分析学报封面内涵,揭示封面与特色栏目之间的关系,分析“南诏·大理历史文化研究”栏目的特色,提出栏目今后的发展思路。 更多例句>> 补充...
Historical factors, basically the same as the clothing customs of city residents, Cuba and Southern Europe. Formal occasions, men mostly wear a suit, its color varies depending on the season or occasion. Women wearing the dress or the more luxurious dress. Cuba melon Hero still wear the tradit...
McGeoddy, S.E.; Farrington, J.W. Sediment porewater partitioning of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in three cores from Boston Harbor, Massachusetts.Environ. Sci. Technol.1995,29, 1542–1550. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [PubMed] Kalf, D.F.; Crommentuijn, T.; Plassche, E.J. Environme...
Effects of natural processes on community building and the modification of nature by man’s hands are an intrinsic part of the co-production of the landscape between man and nature. However, the interactions of this co-production have scarcely been analyzed. Based on data from the MapBiomas pr...
Therefore, a high concentration of PAHs in sediments indicated that the contamination of PAHs in the Sele River and its estuary might be caused by the historical input of PAHs. The total load of PAHs that flowed into the Tyrrhenian Sea was evaluated to estimate the input of PAHs drained ...