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Many nurseswho leave the Republic of South Africa might use recruitment agencies' assistance. These concerns raised by theICN indicated the need for obtaining information about the emigration of South African nurses and the role played byrecruitment agencies. The purpose of this study was to explore...
For more information, please refer to Feature papers represent the most advanced research with significant potential for high impact in the field. A Feature Paper should be a substantial original Article that involves several techniques or approaches, provides an ...
theoretical implication it should be noted that the CSR model developed is intended for practical use and therefore recommendations are directed towards government agencies such as the cidb, policy makers and CETA as well as institutions of higher learning which are housed in the South African ...
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[216031059]. The MACE cohort study is funded by the following research agencies: NRF [90550]; Medical Research Council (MRC) and the AstraZeneca Research Trust. The Childhood TB study was funded by the National Institutes for Health-Fogarty International [5U2RTW00773] and South African TB/AIDS...
The primary aim of the study is to develop and evaluate CaCBT for Canadian South Asian persons with depression and anxiety and to gather data from stakeholders to develop guidelines to culturally adapt CBT. This mixed methods study will use three phases: (1) cultural adaptation of CBT, (2) ...
The three agencies were the SAP’s security branch, using its methods of informer recruitment and information collected; Republican Intelligence (RI), using informants and information trading with foreign intelligence organisations (later better known as the National Intelligence Service or NIS); and ...
Wave 2 recruitment and enrollment began in August 2020. In response to the COVID-10 pandemic, the study was modified in these following ways: 1) in-person education sessions were provided remotely through telephone or video conferencing; 2) physical activity and other curriculum components were ...