Silent Echoes v2NoCopyrightSound633 3:15 モダンクラシック ピアノ ピアノフォルテ 歌詞 器楽曲 Silent EchoesNoCopyrightSound633 2:00 モダンクラシック ピアノ 音楽 楽器 ピアノフォルテ Battle of the AgesNoCopyrightSound633 4:00 メインタイトル 戦争 兵隊 歴史 戦士 破壊 戦い ...
■ 火星接近地球 撞出「音浪」 "行"式快譯通 「Surfing the sound wave」 黃立行高唱 「衝個音浪」主打歌「音浪」是黃立行和默契絕佳的音樂拍檔Jae一起寫的歌,他說一開始是想寫一個可以跳舞的歌,就嚐試做了一個Breakbeat節奏的曲風,大概的曲式完成後,他想了很久不知歌詞該寫些什麼,試了幾個愛情有關的主題,...
I am a music love.There was a time before when I was particularly fond of listening to rap music, and the good lyrics always had some realistic implications. But now what I listen to more often is pop music.It's more soothing.I hope to share some of my favorite music with you guys...
Discover, save, and download exclusive music by global artists, composers, and musicians. Spanning all genres from pop and rock, to hip-hop and classical, and expertly-curated for every theme, mood and occasion. Set the scene or build suspense with our expansive catalog of sound effects. Cla...
日本音樂市場蓬勃發展,音樂界持續輸出創作力充沛的創作者,各類型音樂蜂湧而出,滿足特定樂迷的口味。日本獨立音樂(J-Indie)是獨一無二的存在,那些看似小眾的獨立音樂(Indie Music),風格實則多元化,無論是搖滾、嘻哈、爵士等等,任何你想要聽的音樂類型,幾乎都能在獨立音樂圈裡找到。
DREAM SOLISTER Lyrics by TRUE. Opening Theme for Sound! Euphonium. Kanaetai koto ga afureteru kara Tachitomatteru hima nante nai yo ne Mune ni himeta akogare wo FULL VOLUME de todokeyou Ikou CRESCENDO no mukou he ...
But above all, they loved music and dance, Loved the coral islands and the sea. You feel me and wear a coral crown. We are here, heirs of their blood. They feel me and wear a quartz crown. We are here,heirs of their blood. Now we are the ones who connect this time. We are ...
這裡還有另外一段插曲,1969年披頭四出版專輯《Abbey Road》的主打歌〈Come Together〉,約翰取了藍調名將Chuck Berry的歌曲〈You Can't Catch Me〉為基礎。結果卻被版權擁有者Big Seven Music告上法庭。直到1973年,他們終於達致庭外和解,唯條件是約翰必須再錄製翻唱Big Seven Music的三首歌曲。
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