The large-capacity Z battery tucked into the α7C's compact body can take advantage of a USB power supply. A USB Type-C® cable is all you need for charging, and you can shoot while you're charging. Sturdy dust- and moisture-resistant2construction ...
索尼(SONY)Alpha 7C(28-60) 单镜头套机 黑色 全画幅微单数码相机 A7CL/ ILCE-7CL 参数 价格:暂无报价 评价: 点击前往购买 综述介绍 参数 图片 视频 评价 报价 问答 排行 相似 热卖 优惠 可参加以下优惠活动 实名有礼 实名认证领苏宁支付券 详细参数 品牌:索尼(SONY) 类别:单镜头套装 型号:索尼 A7CL套机...
ILCE-7CL Body + 28-60mm Zoom Lens 1 2 Where To Buy Express yourself to the fullest degree Powerful performance and extraordinary image quality Despite the compact size of the camera body, which is the world's smallest and lightest3the α7C delivers the spectacular image quality for both stil...
SONY 索尼 日本直邮索尼Sony 全高清数码微单相机 α7C ILCE-7CL FE 28- 黑色 ILCE-7CL 爆料人: 韦蠢韦 23-12-07发布 京东国际此款目前活动售价36650.95元,下单领取满5减2元优惠券,参与满1件打9.7折优惠活动,实付低至35549.42元,近期好价。 简明购买步骤 1 领券 满5减2元 2 加购 当前商品1件 ...
The large-capacity Z battery tucked into the α7C's compact body can take advantage of a USB power supply. A USB Type-C® cable is all you need for charging, and you can shoot while you're charging. Sturdy dust- and moisture-resistant2construction ...
The α7C's full-frame sensor does more than just capture more light. Enhanced image depth, dynamic range and detail are all possible thanks to the large sensor and pixel size. Capture all the beauty of the world The 24.2MP0 Exmor R™ CMOS sensor works with Sony's BIONZ X™ engine ...
索尼(SONY) A7C全画幅微单数码相机7CL a7c vlog视频自拍 ilce-7c 单机银+FE55mm F1.8蔡司【人像镜头】 日常套餐二【64高速卡/卡色UV等】图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
我比较喜欢单肩包+内胆的携带方式,另外最新众测到的曼富图托特包也特别适合,特别适合类似A7C的微单相机,1机2镜轻轻松松。 最早买相机是鞋厂的D90,后面换了D300,但笨重的单反让我曾经一度不喜欢带它出门了,相机+镜头超过3斤的重量,出去玩一圈回来,肩膀和脖子简直都要废掉了。
数码 > 摄影摄像 > 微单相机 > 索尼(SONY) > 索尼索尼ILCE-7C 自营 索尼(SONY)Alpha 7CL (a7cl)全画幅微单数... 京东价 ¥ 促销 展开促销
苏宁易购为您提供索尼(SONY)Alpha7CL/S微单/单电和索尼(SONY)Alpha 7C 全画幅微单数码相机 轻便小巧 银色(ILCE-7C/A7C/α7C)侧翻式液晶屏 新机小7参数对比,让您了解索尼(SONY)Alpha7CL/S微单/单电和索尼(SONY)Alpha 7C 全画幅微单数码相机 轻便小巧 银色(ILCE-7C/A7C/α7C)