You're the Cream in My Coffee - Marlene Dietrich You're the cream in my coffee You're the salt in my stew; You will always be my necessity I'd be lost without you You're the starch in my collar You're the lace in my shoe; You will always be my necessity I'd be...
酷狗音乐为您提供由Nat King Cole演唱的高清音质无损You're The Cream In My Coffeemp3在线听,听You're The Cream In My Coffee,只来酷狗音乐!
I feel the self same way You're the cream in my coffee You're the salt in my stew You will always be my necessity I'd be lost without you You're the starch in my collar You're the lace in my shoe You will always be my necessity I'd be lost without you Most gi...
酷狗音乐,让音乐改变世界You're the Cream in My CoffeeАлексейБаев、ShoobeDoobe Jazz Band、Natalia Rodina、Buddy G DeSylva、Lew Brown、Ray Henderson00:00 03:54 精彩评论 还没有人发评论,快来抢沙发吧!打开酷狗音乐 你的好友邀请你来酷狗音乐听歌 立即体验...
You're The Cream In My Coffee Ben Selvin 作曲: Henderson/Brown/De Sylva 下载APP 打开 相似歌曲 和这首歌相似的歌曲 The Lady Is A Tamp Cafe Society - Vince Giordano / Benny Goodman / Count Basie / Ben Selvin / Yera son / Conal Fowkes I Found a Million Dollar Baby Dimestore 1920's Vol...
You're the Cream in My Coffee - Ray Starita & His Ambassadors/Betty Bolton Written by:Brown Lew/Desylva B.G./Henderson Ray You're the cream in my coffee You're the salt in my stew You'll always be my necessity I'd be lost without you You're the starch in my collar ...