Description The SonARC for Subwoofers app gives owners of SonARC enabled Sonance subwoofers wireless control over setup and configuration of their subwoofer. SonARC for Subwoofers unlocks the ability to use Sonance Advanced Room Correction to tune each subwoofer to the specifc room it has been in...
下载后放到sonarqube/extensions/plugins目录下,将sonarqube重启即可。 访问127.0.0.1:9000,可以看到c已经支持了 配置完,你会发现规则为0,所以我们要添加检测规则 首先创建 填选好名称,名称随便填 激活更多规则 点击批量修改,激活 然后你就能看到添加了很多条规则了...
sonar安装c/c++插件 插件地址: 下载地址, 然后放到sonarqube-7.3/extensions/plugins目录下,将sonarqube重启即可 启动服务: 登录查看插件是否已安装成功:http://localhost:9010/admin/settings...
sonarCFamily收费 7,000 € /instance /year 推荐使用sonar-cxx-plugin代替,这个是开源的免费的
Sonar (SonarQube)是一个开源平台,用于管理源代码的质量。Sonar不只是一个质量数据报告工具,更是代码质量管理平台。支持的语言包括:Java、PHP、C#、C、Cobol、PL/SQL、Flex等。 Sonar主要特点: 1.代码覆盖:通过单元测试,将显示哪行代码被选中 2.改善代码规则 ...
简介 The SonARC for Subwoofers app gives owners of SonARC enabled Sonance subwoofers wireless control over setup and configuration of their subwoofer. SonARC for Subwoofers unlocks the ability to use Sonance Advanced Room Correction to tune each subwoofer to the specifc room it has been installed...
InSonarQube, each file extension must be uniquely assigned to one programming language. When operating several C/C++ plugins in parallel, this must be taken into account during configuration. To avoid problems on a server with multiple C++ plugins,the CXX programming language sensor is disabled by...
1 下载C语言代码插件到SonarQube主目录的%SonarQube_HOME%\extensions\plugins目录下。我这里选用的是sonar-c-plugin-。 2 打开网页,输入http://,登录SonarQube,在系统-配置处点击重启服务,重新启动SonarQube。不要着急,系统并没有重启。在任务管理器中找到java进程,结束进程,然后在%...
Running the CFamily analysis Analyze your repository with GitHub Actions Code Description An example of a flawed C++ code. The code repository can be analyzed automatically, but it can also be compiled with different build systems using different CI pipelines on Linux, macOS, and Windows. The...