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xy=xxy Solve for y (complex solution) ⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧y=0,y∈C,unconditionallyx=1orx=0 Solve for y ⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧y=0,y∈R,unconditionallyx=1orx=0 Solve for x (complex solution) ⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧x=1;x=0,x∈C,unconditionallyy=0 ...
The solution of a second-degree polynomial equation of the form displaystyleax²+bx+c=0 is given by the quadratic formula displaystylex=frac-bpmsqrtb²-4ac2a. Solutions for the degrees 3 and 4 are given by the cubic and quartic formu...
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