ffay/lanproxy - lanproxy是一个将局域网个人电脑、服务器代理到公网的内网穿透工具,支持tcp流量转发,可支持任何tcp上层协议(访问内网网站、本地支付接口调试、ssh访问、远程桌面、http代理、https代理、socks5代理...)。技术交流QQ群 736294209 apache/iotdb - Apache IoTDB javaparser/javaparser - Java 1-21 Parse...
This is a list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted locally. Selfhosting is the process of locally hosting and managing applications instead of renting from SaaS providers. - hectorip/awesome-selfhosted
Charette, R.N.: This car runs on code. IEEE Spectrum 46, (2009) Ciccozzi, F., Seceleanu, T., Corcoran, D., Scholle, D.: UML-based development of embedded real-time software on multi-core in practice: lessons learned and future perspectives. IEEE Access 4, (2016) Rubus ICE-Integra...
Bordeleau, F., Combemale, B., Eramo, R., van den Brand, M., Wimmer, M.: Towards model-driven digital twin engineering: Current opportunities and future challenges. In: Babur, Ö., Denil, J., Vogel-Heuser, B. (eds.) Systems Modelling and Management, pp. 43–54. Springer Interna...
Source Code)AGPL-3.0 Redash- connect to over 18 types of databases (SQL and "NoSQL"), query your data, visualize it and create dashboards. Everything has a URL that can be shared. Slack and HipChat integration. (Demo,Source Code)BSD-2-ClausePython ...
f (Bt(x); t) t Compute projections Capabilities of photon-cube projections Software-defined on-chip camera Re-interpretable off-chip acquisition Coded exposure 3D scatter plot, 0AAACA3icbVDJSgNBEO2JW4xb1JteGoPgaZgRt2PQi8cIZoFkCD2dStKkZ7G7RgxDwIu/4sWDIl79CW/+jZ1kD...
Tr cjrb ipton, jr zj iituescnff kr xvwn rgzr move jz zc meipsl zs rj oolks, qhr rrps htree jz c fre lv idncseosi yzn rmaioettnpaazri xr oh yenv nj uxr dcnargbuok er cykv jr nuniftco sa niddteen.Frx’z dwst py ruaj csieont wbrj c otucfnni rqcr msove rop btroo...
ShinobiCE - Open Source CCTV software written in Node with both IP and local camera support. AGPL-3.0/GPL-3.0 Nodejs Streama - Self hosted streaming media server. (Source Code) MIT Java VideoLAN Client (VLC) - Cross-platform multimedia player client and server supporting most multimedia files...
sudo dnf install qemu uml-utilities virt-manager gnome-boxesGNOME Boxes is an application that gives you access to virtual machines, running locally or remotely. It also allows you to connect to the display of a remote computer.OpenCore for Windows 10Using Android and Android Apps on Linux...
The visualization pipeline model describes the visualization process as a data transformation pipeline consisting of three consecutive stages: Input data is filtered (F) into enhanced and enriched data, then mapped (M) to geometry and visual attributes and, finally, rendered (R) into a displayable ...