Kurisaqila, A. N.Pacific Health Dialog
While a link between social capital and improved individual, household and community welfare in resource-poor settings has been identified, the contribution that social capital makes to resilience is still unclear (Aldrich 2012a, b; Story 2013; Béné et al. 2015; Aldrich and Smith 2015; Pfeffer...
Because these women were indirectly involved in tuna fisheries, this was a useful exercise for the women to see how they fitted within the wider WCP tuna SES. Interviews and focus groups were conducted in English with the assistance of interpreters, who were on hand to clar- ify statements ...
We met with nurses and physicians working in the hospital and identified four cases of children under-six-years who had been hospitalised for, and later recovered from marasmus and kwashiorkor. With the assistance from nurses at health centres, four households with children under-six-year who had...
Economic aid - donor: This entry refers to net official development assistance (ODA) from OECD nations to developing countries and multilateral organizations. ODA is defined as financial assistance that is concessional in character, has the main objective to promote economic development and welfare of...
Fragile X messenger ribonucleoprotein 1 protein (FMRP) binds many mRNA targets in the brain. The contribution of these targets to fragile X syndrome (FXS) and related autism spectrum disorder (ASD) remains unclear. Here, we show that FMRP deficiency lead
Social assistance (sometimes also called “social safety nets’) are non-contributory schemes that mainly provide conditional and unconditional poverty transfers. They have significant reach, estimated to cover 2.5 billion people in 120 lower and middle income countries (LMICs), of which 650 million ...
Religious and faith-based social organisations, as well as churches and congregations, are engaged in a variety of ways in poverty reduction and the provision of social and health services and assistance (Furness and Gilligan,2012; Thornton et al.2012; Tomalin,2012; Göçmen,2013). They do...
He was ready to help those who seek his assistance. It was his professed belief that Solomon Islanders should do things for themselves, as much as possible. Kenilorea, on the other hand, takes a different stance—a gentleman's approach with the usual formality and selectivity. Kenilorea is...
We met with nurses and physicians working in the hospital and identified four cases of children under-six-years who had been hospitalised for, and later recovered from marasmus and kwashiorkor. With the assistance from nurses at health centres, four households with children under-six-year who had...