The government invited tenders for a project to computerise thesocial securitysystem. 政府就社会安全系统计算机化的项目招标. 《简明英汉词典》 Guarantor's local ID, residential account andsocial securitycard ( with stable income ) 担保人本市身份证 、 户口簿和社会保障卡 ( 有固定收入 ) ...
In a recent column on the senior-citizen lobby, I noted that Social Security is often "middle-class welfare" that bleeds the country. 在最近一期有关senior-citizenlobby的专栏,我注意到社会保障往往是“中产阶级的福利”正在消耗着这个国家。 2. Behold how the branches reach up ...
In a recent column on the senior-citizen lobby, I noted that Social Security is often "middle-class welfare" that bleeds the country. 在最近一期有关senior-citizenlobby的专栏,我注意到社会保障往往是“中产阶级的福利”正在消耗着这个国家。 2. Behold how the branches reach up ...
读音:美英 英汉翻译近义词典英英词典发音词典 socialsecurity中文翻译 词组短语 用法例句 1. And unmarried partners cannot receive theSocialSecuritybenefits derived from a deceased or disabled spouse´saccount. 并且未婚的情侣不能得到来自已故或残疾配偶收入的社会福利利益。
social security “social security”的中文翻译 词典解释 固定词组 ph. 1. 社会福利(包括退休、失业、伤残等保险) 相关词语 socialsecurity
social security card社保卡 social security payments社会保险[保障]的付款 social security numberphr. 社会安全号码,社会保险号 Social security institution社会保险机构 social security funds社会保险基金 相似单词 sociala. 1.社会的 2.过社会生活的,群居的,【植】群集的 3.一定社会层次(或地位)的,社会上层的 4...
social security (pensions, medical insurance)— 社会服务 也可见: social形— 社会形 · 集体形 · 社交形 · 社会性形 security名— 安名 · 安全名 · 抵押品名 · 保安名 · 安全性名 · 安全工作名 · 证券名 · 担保名 · 保安措施名
The Social Security number is a nine-digit number in the format "AAA-GG-SSSS". 社会保障号码是由九个数字组成的号码,格式为“AAA-GG-SSSS”。 WikiMatrix The Social Security Law provides, in return for earnings-related contributions, various cash benefits. 《社会保障法》规定,职工在按收入缴...
SSN,Social Security Number,社会安全号码/社会保障号码,是一个由美国社会安全管理局颁发的九位数唯一身份识别号码,通常由三段数字组成,比如XXX-XX-XXXX。跟国内的身份证号码很相似,一个号码对应一个人,它是美国政府社会安全局针对个人发行的,...
Social Security is a federal program in the U.S. that provides retirement benefits and disability income to qualified individuals and their spouses, children, and survivors. Workers must be at least 62 years old and have paid into the system for 10 years or more to qualify for Social Security...